Sell me on a Land Rover

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Blair G

FourByLand said:
I think the part I find most humerous is the fact that my choice of Rover isn't really worthy to wear the badge because it has dual climate control and leather seats or doesn't have the same door panels as the Defender.......Not really impressed with this thread or the uneducated comments thrown around... just doesn't feel like home anymore.

You are correct. The Discovery is not a proper Land Rover. Toyota's are the best. Oh wait,Jeeps are the best of the best. Man I hate it when people think that their vehicle is the best. Especially when I KNOW mine ARE the best.
Must be a slow week, Lets start the Snorkel Thread again.


K2RVR said:
It's suprising to me how much Disco and Rangie owners feel connected to the series lineage, but it is not shared by the series owners. I wave to every series owner I see and usually have a face looking back at me but no effort to share the appreciatiation. That said, on many of the trips I have been on and led, it's the series rigs we are towing home or scrambling to get running.

I love the series rig but it is not for me and I admit that. I would easily stop for a series owner with the hood up on the side of the road, but would never expect the same of a series driver, unless they knew me from our travels.

It's a shame really...

Funny that I have the same problem but I drive a Series. Most coiler owners outside of enthusiasts don't know that I too am driving a Land Rover. I have passed more coilers than I can count without a wave and in my experience we Series trucks are always waiting for a broken RRC/Disco.

Sorry the Series guys in your area are snobs b/c here is PA we love all Rovers. In fact I have coiler envy any time we are driving on a road, over an obstacle, in the heat, in the cold. The only time I don't feel envious is the first nice day of the year when the top comes off!

I would always help a RRC/Disco owner in trouble and I hope they would do the same for me. But along those lines I'll help an LC guy too because I like them also. We are all in this together at the end of the day no matter what we drive.

Alaska Mike

ExPo Moderator/Eye Candy
FourByLand said:
I think the part I find most humerous is the fact that my choice of Rover isn't really worthy to wear the badge because it has dual climate control and leather seats or doesn't have the same door panels as the Defender.......Not really impressed with this thread or the uneducated comments thrown around... just doesn't feel like home anymore.
I hope you didn't interpret my comments as being against cushy vehicles. After that trip, I had a long conversation with my then-wife about buying a Disco II and experiencing car-like comfort and excellent off-road ability. The finances didn't add up at the time, and to be honest it wouldn't have faired well on the trails up here (mostly comprised of mud, rock, trees, and deep water). Wrong environment for a vehicle that complex, from any marque.

When it comes to wheeling, I'm a stripped-down, bare bones kind of guy. None of my trail rigs have radios, because that's one more thing to break. Who can hear them over the tires, anyway?

Run what you brung, just have a good attitude when things don't go your way.


Expedition Leader
LR because I can get here in comfort and with friends!


Yes there is a certian amount of pride when owning a rover. I love mine, but when you drive one it seems it's for you or it's not. I have friends who love Jeeps and they will always love jeeps.. that is what they feel comfortable in, I don't bash them or get mad, we all have our own idea of Perfect. With what I have done and where I have been in my rover I wouldn't want anything else. Yes I like other marques, just not for me. My buddy has a 4-runner, great rig, but I am not comfortable at all in it, Jeeps I have a XJ nice little rig, but not something I fully trust(still getting used to no frame... I know old fashioned).

I work as much on all of the other marques I own as I do my Rover(per mile driven) but to me it maintaining it, I rarely do repairs. Currently I have 200,000 on my rover and would have no problems hoping in it to go across the country and back.

To answer some of Andrew, the rovers have excellent articulation, here is mine(not fully flexed, and not stock, but in stock for I did A LOT)


I have had Toyota's in my family, yes they lasted 300,000 before we sold them, but my mercedes has 500,000 and I still drive it. If you can maintain a car, no matter what marque, it will provide you many great years. With the whole SELL ME ON LAND ROVER post my comment is Drive a few, if you are comfortable and feel as if you can happily own it, buy it! Otherwise keep searching.


galen216 said:
Funny that I have the same problem but I drive a Series. Most coiler owners outside of enthusiasts don't know that I too am driving a Land Rover. I have passed more coilers than I can count without a wave and in my experience we Series trucks are always waiting for a broken RRC/Disco.

Sorry the Series guys in your area are snobs b/c here is PA we love all Rovers. In fact I have coiler envy any time we are driving on a road, over an obstacle, in the heat, in the cold. The only time I don't feel envious is the first nice day of the year when the top comes off!

I would always help a RRC/Disco owner in trouble and I hope they would do the same for me. But along those lines I'll help an LC guy too because I like them also. We are all in this together at the end of the day no matter what we drive.

Good points Galen... Certainly mostly all of the Series drivers are LR enthusiasts. I too love all rovers and on a percentage basis, am snubbed more by newer stock LR's than Series. I guess I just expect the Series folks to outwardly share it as much, but they are probably discouraged by the diluted response from the post 1995-99 vehicles. In the early/mid 90's I would wave to all LR's and my wife used to tease me about it. I'd get about 50% response. But I would explain to her that the more people waved to those folks, the more they would respond, pulling them into the community. Anyway, response is much lower now (10 years later) unless it is a somewhat modified vehicle.

And to your point on the TLC's, I feel more connection to them than most 4x4s, and wave/help as well... I guess I'm just a waver...

Frankly, I think you and I, TerriAnn, the other LR drivers, Toyota drivers, and any other folks looking at this site are more alike than different. We should all be supporting each other and focusing on keeping open areas open.
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FourByLand said:
I think the part I find most humerous is the fact that my choice of Rover isn't really worthy to wear the badge because it has dual climate control and leather seats or doesn't have the same door panels as the Defender.......Not really impressed with this thread or the uneducated comments thrown around... just doesn't feel like home anymore.
I guess I'm out too, D1 and 2 Rangies. I'd love to have a series one day, I drool every time I see one, though I like LC's too. I had a FJ 40 about 15 years ago, and still look at them as fast as a nice Rover, Jeep, Bronco, Blazer, etc. I give dad hell all the time about his Jeeps, and get it in return about the Rovers, but we both know the game. The last trail ride I went on was 6 Rovers and 17 other various makes, mostly Jeep, Toyota, and a couple of Bronco's. Good time was had by all with no brand bashing going on.


K2RVR said:
Good points Galen... Certainly mostly all of the Series drivers are LR enthusiasts. I too love all rovers and on a percentage basis, am snubbed more by newer stock LR's than Series. I guess I just expect the Series folks to outwardly share it as much, but they are probably discouraged by the diluted response from the post 1995-99 vehicles. In the early/mid 90's I would wave to all LR's and my wife used to tease me about it. I'd get about 50% response. But I would explain to her that the more people waved to those folks, the more they would respond, pulling them into the community. Anyway, response is much lower now (10 years later) unless it is a somewhat modified vehicle.

And to your point on the TLC's, I feel more connection to them than most 4x4s, and wave/help as well... I guess I'm just a waver...
I've noticed this too. Very few newer Rover owners wave around here, and most of the trucks probably don't go off pavement. It's even more noticable with the newer RR's, some Disco people wave, but hardly ever do I even get a turn of the head from a p38 or Mk III Range Rover driver, much less a wave.


Camp Ninja
Flogging a Dead Horse Pt.II

Is a Porsche 993 the last car that deserves to be called a 911 because it was air-cooled? Is a black oval, tin dash, leaf sprung Rover the only Rover that deserves to be called Rover because it's drafty and cold in the winter? Is a Mustang II really a Mustang? Does your car leak less than mine (probably)? Why is a Patriot Trail Rated? These are things that can be debated ad nauseum by those for and against. I have not chimed in with anything defending my choice of vehicle in this thread because it is a tit-for-tat argument. I do not feel that I need to justify any choice I make here because I know what I like and I know what suits my needs because they are my needs no matter how impractical or tainted they may seem to others. Furthermore, I would not try to impress my personal choices on you nor will you ever have to justify your choices to me. I have respect for what people choose and their right to make their own decisions even if I think mine is better than theirs.

I came to ExPo to see what other like minded travelers are doing and meet new and interesting people...expand my mind without the use of hallucinogenics. :hehe: For the most part this has been the case and the level of respect is still unsurpassed with regards to message boards. So far I have met a lot of great people in both the virtual and real world that I would happily share a drink with next to a crackling fire. I have shed some of my own preconceived notions about what a proper off road platform is as well. Not all Jeep owners are top-down yuppies or hardcore beer swilling rock-crawlers, people actually modify Troopers, and a Tacoma is an awesome overland platform that goes beyond SAS swaps, 40 inch tires, and truggies. ExPo is a place for diversity with a common hobby, a place to share experiences, ideas, and most importantly take trips however long or short.

That being said, this thread has revealed that there is a rotten underbelly to the glossy veneer. It floors me that for some, beneath the rugged outdoor facade lies an ego that is equal parts bloated and fragile. I am disappointed to see that some folks are compelled to tell me that their dad can beat up my dad. In the end who really cares? What does any of this nonsense prove? Does it matter to me if you stop for me on the side of a road because you don't have a code reader or if I stop for you because I don't have spare power valves or jets? Nope (although I would). It's your choice and I will lose no sleep over it and its doubtful you will either. If I see a car, any car I like on the road I'll give the driver a thumbs up or a wave. Sometimes they wave back, sometimes they don't. Again, no sleep lost. No one has anything to prove here unless you enjoy taking a leak on one another's toes over and over again to prove a point where there isn't one that needs to be proven.

I will leave with this link and rant no more.
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Expedition Leader
I dont have time in my life to worry about what kind of car someone does or doesnt drive, or how they outfit their vehicle. It is not about the vehicle, it's about the person. I know plenty of guys with rovers with all the "must have" stuff and they will tell you all about their truck and all the cool stuff on it and turn around and tell you your truck is a POS. Nice trucks but poor people. It doesnt matter what kind of truck you drive, it's what kind of person you are. Heck, if I picked my climbing partners by what kind of gear they owned I would probably be dead by now. Lighten up folks it's just a truck, no matter what you drive.


Yeah this is pretty silly,... I like this site as it seems less about posturing and more about truly sharing experiences and ideas. If we all had the same rig and set up, the sport would lose interest quickly.

I see now that the post I was originally responding to, about not wanting a non-series LR rig and lack of lineage, has deleted their post making mine sound goofy and totally off base to the discussion. I am going to pull it soon if there are no complaints. I think the only responses to mine are BOVW and Galen216, and it looks like we share the same ideals.

Let me know if you are adverse to me pulling the post.


Alaska Mike

ExPo Moderator/Eye Candy
I think we've said all that needs to be said (and several things that didn't). Enough is enough. If a fellow moderator wants to unlock the thread, by all means, go ahead.


Spamicus Eliminatus
Alaska Mike said:
I think we've said all that needs to be said (and several things that didn't). Enough is enough. If a fellow moderator wants to unlock the thread, by all means, go ahead.


Time to move on...
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