@rehammer81 - No affiliation, storage demonstrated here. GLWS...
drodio Entrepreneur & Lifehacker Nov 13, 2017 #17 OK, I'm going to have to move soon and won't have a place to store the trailer, so now I'm really getting serious about selling it! Price drop to $14k for ExPo members. Best to text me if you'd like to come see it at 202.250.3846.
OK, I'm going to have to move soon and won't have a place to store the trailer, so now I'm really getting serious about selling it! Price drop to $14k for ExPo members. Best to text me if you'd like to come see it at 202.250.3846.
A alia176 Explorer Nov 21, 2017 #18 drodio said: Selling because I have a 2nd child on the way and have to become somewhat financially responsible... sigh. Click to expand... This line cracks me up!
drodio said: Selling because I have a 2nd child on the way and have to become somewhat financially responsible... sigh. Click to expand... This line cracks me up!