Separating (composting) toilet pee tank?


Expedition Leader
Grey water is an interesting subject. I suspect, without knowing, that most of the rules against dumping grey water start with the assumption that it has passed through the black water system, as is common in most RV's. (The usual rule is to dump black first and then grey to flush the system.)

The second reason is, of course, that you don't want a lot of closely spaced vehicles dumping grey water in a camp ground as you will quickly produce a smelly swamp.

And, finally, grey water may have bits of food and fecal material from washing dishes and showering.

With a composting toilet, aka, urine separating toilet, we do dump grey water in the bush, but never when close to water courses (other than storm drains) or other campers. In other words, only in places where we would be comfortable
digging a cat hole.

Grey water will "age' gracelessly, so stuff that has been in the tank a while is more aromatic, especially in hot weather. (A shot of white vinegar helps a lot.)

As to mixing urine into your grey tank:

-- Not a problem if you then treat it like black water - no one can complain. (Never done it enough to see if it creates odor problems.)

-- You can arrange a valving system, but it is easy enough to simply dump a urine bucket into the shower drain, if, for example, you need an emergency dump.

Whatever you do, you want, ideally, at least two days autonomy, and, with two adults, that argues for a tank of at least one gallon. And a one gallon tank is small enough to dump in a public restroom without gagging everyone. (In contrast, for example, to a cassette toilet.)

In public areas, a pit (not chemical) toilet is great for dumping a composting toilet.


Right now, I am leaning towards having a drain plug in my shower so I can plug my Grey water tank line and drop shower water on the ground (which I believe is fine if you are allowed to outdoor shower, this is the same thing). In close quarters or places water can’t be dropped, the drain to Grey tank.

For the toilet, I am leaning towards having the bathroom sink flush through the toilet p trap and into a urine tank.

For the kitchen sink and future clothes washing machine, drain to Grey water tank.

Any flaws?

Again, not sure I want a jug.....

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The food wastes in kitchen sink water is putrefying enough to qualify as black

for harm to a sensitive ecosystem.

Much more so than pure urine.

Shower runoff is in between, that alone really is grey afaic.


Were I building another camper I would call it a two tank system. Greywater and piss. There would be no ’black’ because I like the poopdryer/composting system.
Depending on location would dictate when & where tanks are drained.

I m plan to have a poop dryer/composting toilet. I will have a bathroom sink, shower, and kitchen sink. I could easily do two tanks. One piss and one everything else. I contemplated flushing my urine p trap with the bathroom sink (not too much water, maybe some toothpaste, soap, and bacteria from hand washing).

So far I have not heard any real negatives to this plan. Only one so far is I can’t Carry a jug into a portapotty.

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I would not bother with a p-trap. Without flushing, its still contains stinky juice and potential to empty whilst in motion. But use a ballvalve, much like a submarine toilet uses. Rinsing the funnel after use will take far less water than clearing a p-trap.

I think I will go this way. Much simpler. Have a pee tank and grey tank. The volume to clear a p trap sold me. Now just need to figure out where to put the valve handle.

You still use p traps for the sinks and shower...... right? Or ball valve then too?

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Since living in Asia for decades I've grown to be disgusted by TP, bumgun for the win.

But no go with drying loos. . .

Combo bidet / sitting urinal!

If space a concern, place it in the shower, basically just a sturdy funnel-seat.

Us oldies need a place to sit in there anyway. . .


Have you got a comprehension issue with my wording?

First I said

> Urine on its own is very benign

Then I stated it is much more benign **than grey water** on its own.

And then, that perhaps once the two are mixed together, the resulting product may be worse than either when separate.

Which a subsequent poster affirmed.

Hope that helps.


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I would still go with a ballvalve. Directly at the sink/shower transitions to pipe. It probably take less room than p-trap too and provide 100% seal. On rough track, nothing to slosh out to break the vapour seal. Then the off chance you tip over, no insult to injury of sewage pouring back inside your camper.

I am on board here. Looking at ball valves for sinks followed by a p trap so when stationary I have a p trap and can leave the valves open. For urine, just a ball valve. I am thinking of having a separate p tank and having a small suction fan like the composting toilet would have on the o tank vent so that when the valve opens all odors get pulled out. Thoughts?

What size valves did you guys suggest? Looking at 1” as a “close” size to the normal drain pipes.

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For the shower, I am considering a pump powered sump with a direct to outside drain options when allowed. The grey tank would be too close to the shower in height so I would pump the water up high enough under my sink to drain back down into the Grey tank.

Thoughts? Never used a shower sump before.

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