First Leg:
Beginning of the big trip
Drove up to catch the solar eclipse with friends outside Sisters,OR. Stopped at Bend on the way to pick up my Freespirit Recreation rooftop tent. Guys there were great, and getting the tent up was quick and easy. Snagged two sets of cheap aluminum crossbars similar to EyeintheSky’s and they’ve worked great. As of today I've spent >50 nights in the tent. Passed back through Crater Lake, but it was pretty hazy with the smoke from a couple different fires.
Brief stay back in the bay and worked to pack everything up and finish last minute work. Got transmission flushed, used SPIII, and got the sleeping platform in.
Disaster Strikes
I headed out to Montana to meet my friend for some backpacking in Glacier, with friends in tow who I was going to drop off in Idaho. We made it out to a BLM campground outside Winnemucca and everything was looking rosy. Started the car the next morning and disaster struck. No power brakes, alarm that I later found out was the HBB alarm ringing nonstop, and a full Christmas tree of lights. Started pulling codes on the OBD2 but only got a couple minor ones. Brought it into a shop and got the brake ECU codes read and it returned something like ten different codes.
Closest mechanics that were comfortable working on a Mitsu were back in Reno ~250 miles away. My friends caught a train and after a couple nights hanging out in Winnemucca (this happened on a Friday and the repair shop wasn’t open until Monday), I made the drive back to Reno, earplugs in, using cruise control for almost all of the way, and standing on the brakes when needed.
Ended up the whole Brake ECU unit went…not fun with having to get a $1900 part. Oh, and both cv axle boots were torn. Got it all replaced, but had to have parts shipped in from Sacramento. Spent three days in Reno bumming around, and blew through my yearly maintenance budget. $3300 all in for maintenance
North Cascades
Back fixed and on my way up to Seattle to meet with the friend who I was supposed to meet in Glacier, but re-routed to Seattle due to my mishaps and the forest fires.
Spent a great five days in the North Cascades. Camped out in Snoqualmie NF and Baker NF, and the awning proved it’s value here as it rained and/or snowed all five days. Having a covered space to cook was invaluable. I attached it using the ARB universal mounts plus some carriage bolts that I fit into some extension 80/20. The rails underneath the RTT are close to 30mm 80/20 but not exact. I used some connectors and then epoxied over the connector plates. Ideally would have welded them, but this has stood up well thus far 6months later.

Overall, the rooftop tent has worked out pretty nicely. Very comfortable, built in solar panel to run the motor to open/close that uses a battery with USB outlets accessible within the tent. A little snug for two people, but very close to my two person backpacking tent so no real problem. I added a string of low power LEDs, a good sleeping bag, and I was set. Great being able to keep bedding and full pillows up out of the car. One issue though - with the way the tent folds closed, if the material is wet, half the mattress gets pretty damp. I figure this is likely the case with a lot of tents, anyone have any good ideas on how to deal with it?
And now a brief summary of remaining events, let me know if anyone wants to see some pictures:
Back to the bay for a wedding
Headed to Colorado (brief stop in Oregon overnight)
Alpine Loop, bailed out to Gunnison NF
Black Canyon of the Gunnison NP
Crested Butte, bailed out to Moab
Grand Staircase Escalante
Moab (Arches, Canyonlands, BLM land near Dead Horse Stake Park)
Wedding on the East Coast
Pecos Wilderness
Stopping outside Amarillo Texas
Ozarks NF
Smoky Mountains
Bailing out to friend’s beach house in Delaware