Seventeen By Six - On the road from Mexico to Argentina

Hey there. Please subscribe to this thread! Thanks to fellow traveller 'Wiley', I'm finally getting to grips with keeping all our blog updates on one single thread, so you can subscribe and get updates.

Here's our latest missive - some grim home truths from Colombia, one of the most dangerous places on earth to be a human rights defender.


We've parked our London life and taken to the road in Latin America for a while, maybe longer. We'll be writing about what we do, experience and learn between Baja California and Tierra del Fuego - our campervan highs and woes, the people we encounter, the places we visit and even a little bit of politics.
We're making the journey in a 1997 VW Eurovan camper. Our living space is now a vehicle measuring 17x6ft.

We are travellers, journalists, trade unionists, campaigners for social justice, students of Spanish, and other things we don’t yet know about.

Join us on our journey.


Subscribed! Thanks for showing the otherside of colombia its easy for people to get sucked in by such a beautiful country with amazing people while never knowing the other things which go on. Awareness is one of the only ways the problems you described can be overcome. Incredibly brave and sad what your friend has had to deal with.
Jeremy and Paula! We we neighbors way back in San Cristóbal de las Casas for New Years 2012. Emily and I have kept up with your travels via your blog site and have thoroughly enjoyed your ups and downs. Glad to know you're still leaning forward into the adventure.

So happy to see that you finally *cough* made it to Expedition Portal, even though it's been like sixteen months since I recommended it to you. I guess it's true what they say about travelers having their own sense of time. ;)

Fare well, my friends. Thanks for the updates. We'll be tuned in, as always!
Hi both, lovely to hear from you!.. even if you are giving me a telling off. Actually, I've been posting blog updates on here for a while now, but it turns out I wasn't doing it in the most effective way. Doh. So hopefully I'm getting it right now. It's true to say we started our learning process - about everything - the day we crossed the border into Mexico, and we are taking our time about it! Hope you are both well, how's life and business? p & j xx
Hi both, lovely to hear from you!.. even if you are giving me a telling off. Actually, I've been posting blog updates on here for a while now, but it turns out I wasn't doing it in the most effective way. Doh. So hopefully I'm getting it right now. It's true to say we started our learning process - about everything - the day we crossed the border into Mexico, and we are taking our time about it! Hope you are both well, how's life and business? p & j xx

Ha! No hard feelings! Just playin'.

Life is good. Still traveling when we can and still planning a big trip when the work back home is done and the kiddo heads off for college. CO is still plugging along, albeit a bit slower these days. Lots of other interests and commitments to which we must attend. But isn't it that way for most of us? Grrr.

You two stay safe and we'll stay tuned. Can't wait to read future entries! Thanks!
Forks in the Road - overlanding cookbook. Buy it via SeventeenbySix and we win too!

Our virtual overlanding friends – the trio that make up a website and work-while-you-travel lifestyle called Life Remotely – have done something many of us think we’d like to, but don’t bother to try. They’ve written a beautiful cookbook.

We’ve bought one, in ebook form. And we hope you want to too. It would be the kind thing to do to your tastebuds and stomach, it supports a bunch of people who have been immeasurably helpful to other overlanders with their free advice and tips and… here’s the good bit… if you buy it via our special link – below and at the end of this post – we get a nice kickback from the profits. Every one a winner!

Go to our blog post about the book and click on the magic link that helps Life Remotely and help us at at the same time!
hi Wiley. Are getting alerts for my posts? eg I put one up today and it seems to be generating traffic, but I never get alerts for my own updates! (would like to get them just to test it is working) cheers, Paula

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
good luck guys!!! As you must know by now, Eurovan's transmission are not the most reliable...sorry about your trouble - you really deserve a medal for your perseverance!

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