shipping from mexico to NZ


New member
Hi all

we were all lined up to ship our car to NZ next month and then the shipping company contacted us telling up about brown marmorated stink bugs which are currently ensuring that any shipments from canada or the USA to NZ require fumigation. the cost of this more than double our shipping costs. has anyone shipped a car from Mexico to NZ? I'm wondering if this is possible as a money saving work around. Or will the NZ customs people take one look at our Canadian plates and require proof of the fumigation either way because the car clearly originated in Canada? It seems quite specific from documents that I have read that fumigation is required prior to shipping so doubt there's any work arounds involving fumigating once in NZ?

Anyone got any experiences/ incites to share? or just a recommendation for companies that ship out of mexico?


Help me understand this .

You want to ship from Mexico , so you can bring the brown Marmorated stink bug (tucked into the subframe of your vehicle) into New Zealand , just to save yourself some money ??

If so , we don't want you .


Oil eater.
That's funny. Mexico forbids us to bring in clean folded clothes for the orphanages down there or firewood.
The Feds told me the clothes carry American bugs. The firewood I can understand.
Sounds like NZ's doing it right.

b dkw1

Just go through the check point in Gurrero Negro, they will hose the bottom side down with the good stuff. As far as shipping, it will either be Ensanada of La Paz. Those are the only 2 ports to take container ships that I know of.


New member
I haven't but I feel like it's going to be cheaper. But who said that shipping from Mexico won't require the same fumigation process? I recently shipped my car across state lines (I had to move from Texas to Oregon) and I didn't want to make the drive myself. I was looking for good shipping companies and I came across A1A. I looked it up online and it seemed like a trustworthy company. I got a free online estimate (I'll leave the link below) and they contacted me soon after I placed my request. I was happy with the treatment and it was a fairly nice experience, so maybe you should try using them.

Check them here:
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Engineer In Residence
Are you going RORO or container? Last I checked, if you are shipping in a "mixed" cargo container, you don't have to fumigate. Though you still need to pass an inspection. I would suggest spraying the vehicle inside/out with permethrin or similar prior to shipping. Clean all loose dirt, including under vehicle spare tires, frame, etc. Even spiderwebs can require expensive cleaning once you arrive.


Well-known member
Hi all

we were all lined up to ship our car to NZ next month and then the shipping company contacted us telling up about brown marmorated stink bugs which are currently ensuring that any shipments from canada or the USA to NZ require fumigation. the cost of this more than double our shipping costs.
Without going into the question of whether you are prepared to risk importing dangerous insects into NZ (!) you are saying that the fumigation doubles the shipping cost.

When we shipped from Colombia to Australia (about the same distance, and when shipping rates were lower) the cost (average of the costs there and back) was USD 8000. Are you saying that fumigation will cost USD 8000?

We expected a cost of fumigation/cleaning on arrival on Australia of around USD 400 (and in fact we had done such a good cleaning prior to shipping that it was not considered necessary).

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