Shipping Rigs from Ushuaia, Argentina to US


New member
Will reach Ushuaia in Jan ‘25 and was planning on shipping out of San Antonio, Chile back to Long Beach, CA. Now thinking of different options and looking for any info on companies that ship to US from Ushuaia. Cheers


Well-known member
I have no direct experience however you should contact Argentine shipping agents and ask for quotes. Now, bear in mind that shipping out of Argentina is viewed as problematic compared with shipping out of Montevideo (once again, no direct experience with either, we've driven out of both Argentina and Uruguay). I am guessing that any shipment out of Ushuaia will actually end up being trucked to BsAs and not shipped out of any other port in Argentina, so you may be best driving (or paying someone to drive) the vehicle to BsAs or Montevideo, or indeed Central Chile. If you contact an agent in Chile you may find someone who will quote shipping out of Punta Arenas (and not trucking to Central Chile to ship).


Well-known member
I'd contact Martin at International Vehicle Shipping Service. He is very experienced with working with overlanders. We've worked with him shipping our vehicle twice USA to Britain and from Kenya to Oman.

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