Shop4seats sofa bed question


I'm looking to get a gaucho type bed for my e350. I was going to go with a smb gaucho bed but since smb north won't make a bed 48" wide for me and Texas will but is almost across the country from me, I started looking for other options being I'm from New Jersey. After coming across shop4seats "princess gaucho" sofa bed I started doing some research on them. But I can't find much on it. Anyone use any of their seats? Any info on them at all? This may just be the route I have to go although I would much rather have a smb gaucho bed 76"x48". Any help on what you guys did for gaucho type beds? I really don't want to go with a wood bed would like a metal frame type sofa bed such as the gaucho


I'm looking to get a gaucho type bed for my e350. I was going to go with a smb gaucho bed but since smb north won't make a bed 48" wide for me and Texas will but is almost across the country from me, I started looking for other options being I'm from New Jersey. After coming across shop4seats "princess gaucho" sofa bed I started doing some research on them. But I can't find much on it. Anyone use any of their seats? Any info on them at all? This may just be the route I have to go although I would much rather have a smb gaucho bed 76"x48". Any help on what you guys did for gaucho type beds? I really don't want to go with a wood bed would like a metal frame type sofa bed such as the gaucho

I bought a sedona sofa bed from discountvantruck. The competitor to shop4seats. Im waiting for the bed to ship going on 6 weeks. So we shall see i will post my experience once i recieve it


Rendezvous Conspirator
Someone on here has, because that's how they ended up on my radar. Don't remember who, though. Sorry.

They were friendly on the phone when I called asking after a custom (narrow) width on a regular princess sofa, so I've got their stuff filed away in a spreadsheet and may order a sofa at some point.


Expedition Leader
I just checked the google street view of the building CA. It is the same place I have bought 2 sofa/couches from for my ambulances (and will be buying another for the new ambo). They have been good to deal with in the past and we even went to the facility to try all the different types and check the fabric. I also dropped in there one time I was in LA and picked up a few yards of the same fabric without any hassle. (in theory we were going to refinish some of the interior in the same fabric but that idea got left in the wasteland of not enough time).

One issue we did have (not with the sofa/couch but using it) was the 1st one we got had arm rests. Great theory but the were a PITA to find a place to put them without them getting damaged when you laid the bed out. Would not pay the extra for the limited application they had again.

We will probably order another couch from there after we checkout what they are having for Black Friday specials.


.... same place I have bought 2 sofa/couches from for my ambulances....
Would like to see pics of how you incorporated this into Ambo build. Considering the same. Even considering one behind seats of my FMTV/LMTV that am thinking on putting Ambo Box on back of. Driver and Passenger seats fold so flat.. and the 3rd seat sits so high above them anyway.... think one will work there increasing versitality of the rig. Why have the cab sitting empty when camping when it can be the bed space... cept getting up naked in the middle of the night to jump in the Ambo. box to take a shiat lol Might have to rethink this.... oh well.. it would make a good guest bed at least (or future space for chance increase in size of family)


Expedition Leader
I will grab some photos later today. Also if you are looking for an ambo box there is a 2002 ford e450 with the motor in pieces for sale in Santa Ana California. They are asking $2500. Check Craigslist.


Expedition Leader
Not to hijack this thread totally. But check Craigslist and the wreckers around Midland or Odessa TX for the laboratory bodies they use in the oil fields. There were some good looking ones around there when I went through in October but I didn't get a chance to check them out.

And just to keep it on track. Shop4seats has the dinette systems that would go great as a U shaped dinette/bed conversion across the back of the laboratory bodies.


Expedition Leader
We ended up ordering 2 more of these sofa/couch. I will post up some photos when they arrive and the fun of fitting them starts. Since both were special orders it has taken over a month (Christmas was in the way) for them to start building them. Ordered 1st one in December and the 2nd on in early January. Delivery is scheduled for early Feb.


We ended up ordering 2 more of these sofa/couch. I will post up some photos when they arrive and the fun of fitting them starts. Since both were special orders it has taken over a month (Christmas was in the way) for them to start building them. Ordered 1st one in December and the 2nd on in early January. Delivery is scheduled for early Feb.

Just wondering if you could post up some pictures of your sofa/couch. How do you like it so far?


Expedition Leader
I will grab some photos when we get back (on a trip in the Old Yella truck at the moment). But I have spent about 20 nights on the one in the Yella truck from the same company in the last month and had no complaints.


I will grab some photos when we get back (on a trip in the Old Yella truck at the moment). But I have spent about 20 nights on the one in the Yella truck from the same company in the last month and had no complaints.

Great to hear. Enjoy your trip, do you know which sofa bed it was that you bought? I know there's several different models and such. Looking forward to pictures when you get back! Have a great rest of your trip!

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