Yes, seen one broken personally and have seen posts on the web. Not that I think its bad, rather just pointing out that I believe the pintle is a stronger (thus more reliable) system. My 2c
I know the amount of abuse we gave military trailer/hitch setups and the rarity of a broken pintle was nearly unheard of. Good enough for me.
I've read more current writings about a lunette breaking... then failures of a Max C.
granted... the Max is fairly new in the market, when compared to the historical lunette/pintle.
I have both mounted to my trailer
I use the Max. C. primarily...
the lunette/pintle combo is there for back up.
A lunette/pintle can be made to work fairly quiet.
It's as simple as being sure that the pintle is the correct size for the lunette's ring diameter.
failure to be sure of a correct fit... means more noise... and the chance for damage.
Those whom use that combo ball/pintle drop hitch are asking for probable damage and lots of noise.
Is the lunette/pintle combo as good as my Max C. ?
no... sorry, but it will never articulate as smoothly as the Max C.
Is the lunette/pintle stronger then a Max C. ?
not really much evidence testing which would be tougher.
Is the lunette/pintle easier to use then the Max C. ?
I'll have to say yes initially... but after some experience with the Max C.
it's only a slight advantage IMO
Don't take me wrong...
I really like my WWII designed 360* lunette
coupled with my 5 ton pintle... it fits and works fairly good.
But not quite as good as my Max C.
is $ 225. too much to pay for a Max C. ?
hardly... My WWII lunette stand alone,
would sell for nearer $ 500 if offered FS on the current mrkt.
M100 or M416 reproduction lunettes would still retail at $ 180. and up.
^ that don't include the cost of the casting neither
All the currently mfgr'd lunettes/pintles are cheap chinese crap. (CCC) Lol
quality WWII stuff isn't getting cheaper, nor is it overly abundant in todays mrkt.