Hind sight I would have bought a Tundra had I known the lack of aftermarket for the torsion bar T100. Don't get me wrong, I love this truck and they are extremely capable when built right. But in order to really upgrade the suspension options are limited and there has to be a lot of one offs and custom work where as the Tundra and Taco guys have lots of options for bolt-in suspension upgrades. However, so far I am enjoying the custom stuff.
How about a Lexus V8 swap?
Simplest route is sticking a turbo on the 3.4l. Its been done many times with success. There's no engine ECU sensor wiring to do, no a/c power steering/ cooling plumbing, or engine mounts. Just headers, turbo & intercooler, and fuel management of some sort. Run 7+psi (fuel delivery dependent) and still make respectable power, definitely more than enough for an overland rig.
Turbo is still a good option. And im still considering it as well. If a URD port fueler pops up ill be doing that for certain.
Mine is becoming more and more...a race truck then overland rig![]()
URD still has one! For $1250 :Wow1:
It's been on close out for awhile. Must have became obsolete? I'd like to find out why they aren't making it any more. All I can think of is that for the supercharger the 7th injector kit is sufficient. And for turbo guys all you do is run larger injectors and a calibrator/ standalone and or water/meth injection. You seen clownmeat's build on toyota-4runner.org? He's running low boost without a FTC at all!
Might as well keep up the Frankenstein theme...... I want this. :sombrero:
A stinky loud diesel, just the guy I want to be followingWhat is a 4BT?
What is a 4BT?