the kid
Juke Box Hero
well i dont have a build thread yet for this little guy, but im looking to start one(cant think of a good name so thats kinda whats been holding me back). i bought this trailer a couple years ago from a friend of mine who had it/made it -it started out life as all these do, a pickup, but it got hit and totalled out. my friend owned a couple body shops and this was a truck that came through one of the shops, they picked it up and did the conversion. he used it for a while but as time went on, he got other trailers better suited for his needs and uses, so this little guy just sat by the way side. i actually used it more than he did, and when i asked to barrow it one day, he asked me if i was interested in buying it. i had never thought of it, but he told me i was the only one who ever used it and that it was taking up room in his back yard so $200 and it was mine.... well i drove home with it that day. spend the next weekend cleaning out the excess crap like fuel lines and brake lines, dumping the old fuel tank ect. then i went down to napa auto parts and bought a wiring kit for it. it really only needed a new front plug but i figured it would be just as easy and better in the end to just rewire the entire thing. so for like $35 in wiring and loom i had brand new wiring. it served me well, i have had it loaded down with well over 3000lbs of fire wood, and it towed it just fine(of course it was on the bump-stops so the fact that it had blown shocks didnt matter much at that point lol). its done several trash and yard debris runs for me and my parents.
the goal is to have a multi purpose trailer, utility and camping/overlanding. i want to build a modular type rack system that can be quickly bolted in and unbolted/removed to accommodate a RTT and other camping things like a kitchen and stove ect, but be taken out when i need to haul a yard of gravel, or topsoil or trash ect. i have a set of first gen tacoma springs that id like to put under it to increase its capacity, but that will require cutting and relocating both the shackles and the spring hangers. but for now i have just done a spring over(vs the original spring under) and installed some nice bilstein shocks to help stiffen things up, along with a nice(r) set of enkei alloy 15"wheels with some 31x10.5x15 tires. i would also like to find a late 80s pickup or 4runner rear axle(v6 carrier) to swap into it as well, as then i could use the that 3rd member as a spare should i ever blow a ring gear on the trail, -same with the axle shafts them selves.
IMG_20140425_165206058 by isaacyocum, on Flickr
IMG_20140425_153928539.jpg by isaacyocum, on Flickr
IMG_20140425_153851186 by isaacyocum, on Flickr
IMG_20140425_153839350.jpg by isaacyocum, on Flickr
IMG_20140425_153502267.jpg by isaacyocum, on Flickr
IMG_20140425_153448907.jpg by isaacyocum, on Flickr
picks before the spring over and with a "good load"
loaded by isaacyocum, on Flickr
firewood by isaacyocum, on Flickr
the goal is to have a multi purpose trailer, utility and camping/overlanding. i want to build a modular type rack system that can be quickly bolted in and unbolted/removed to accommodate a RTT and other camping things like a kitchen and stove ect, but be taken out when i need to haul a yard of gravel, or topsoil or trash ect. i have a set of first gen tacoma springs that id like to put under it to increase its capacity, but that will require cutting and relocating both the shackles and the spring hangers. but for now i have just done a spring over(vs the original spring under) and installed some nice bilstein shocks to help stiffen things up, along with a nice(r) set of enkei alloy 15"wheels with some 31x10.5x15 tires. i would also like to find a late 80s pickup or 4runner rear axle(v6 carrier) to swap into it as well, as then i could use the that 3rd member as a spare should i ever blow a ring gear on the trail, -same with the axle shafts them selves.

picks before the spring over and with a "good load"

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