show us your truck bed trailers

the kid

Juke Box Hero
well i dont have a build thread yet for this little guy, but im looking to start one(cant think of a good name so thats kinda whats been holding me back). i bought this trailer a couple years ago from a friend of mine who had it/made it -it started out life as all these do, a pickup, but it got hit and totalled out. my friend owned a couple body shops and this was a truck that came through one of the shops, they picked it up and did the conversion. he used it for a while but as time went on, he got other trailers better suited for his needs and uses, so this little guy just sat by the way side. i actually used it more than he did, and when i asked to barrow it one day, he asked me if i was interested in buying it. i had never thought of it, but he told me i was the only one who ever used it and that it was taking up room in his back yard so $200 and it was mine.... well i drove home with it that day. spend the next weekend cleaning out the excess crap like fuel lines and brake lines, dumping the old fuel tank ect. then i went down to napa auto parts and bought a wiring kit for it. it really only needed a new front plug but i figured it would be just as easy and better in the end to just rewire the entire thing. so for like $35 in wiring and loom i had brand new wiring. it served me well, i have had it loaded down with well over 3000lbs of fire wood, and it towed it just fine(of course it was on the bump-stops so the fact that it had blown shocks didnt matter much at that point lol). its done several trash and yard debris runs for me and my parents.

the goal is to have a multi purpose trailer, utility and camping/overlanding. i want to build a modular type rack system that can be quickly bolted in and unbolted/removed to accommodate a RTT and other camping things like a kitchen and stove ect, but be taken out when i need to haul a yard of gravel, or topsoil or trash ect. i have a set of first gen tacoma springs that id like to put under it to increase its capacity, but that will require cutting and relocating both the shackles and the spring hangers. but for now i have just done a spring over(vs the original spring under) and installed some nice bilstein shocks to help stiffen things up, along with a nice(r) set of enkei alloy 15"wheels with some 31x10.5x15 tires. i would also like to find a late 80s pickup or 4runner rear axle(v6 carrier) to swap into it as well, as then i could use the that 3rd member as a spare should i ever blow a ring gear on the trail, -same with the axle shafts them selves.

IMG_20140425_165206058 by isaacyocum, on Flickr
IMG_20140425_153928539.jpg by isaacyocum, on Flickr
IMG_20140425_153851186 by isaacyocum, on Flickr
IMG_20140425_153839350.jpg by isaacyocum, on Flickr
IMG_20140425_153502267.jpg by isaacyocum, on Flickr
IMG_20140425_153448907.jpg by isaacyocum, on Flickr

picks before the spring over and with a "good load"
loaded by isaacyocum, on Flickr
firewood by isaacyocum, on Flickr
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New member
What a great thread :) So far we have a Truckman top and a lot of bits of steel. Weld up our own chassis (frame) then build a trailer for underneath the top. It's a Toyota Hi Lux and the beds are very expensive here in the UK.
I got loads of ideas from you guys tho and I will continue looking for a truck bed until we actually start building.


Picked this one up last month. I traded a kayak for it! ;) I'm planning on turning it into a camper so I have a comfy place to sleep while surf fishing. I flipped the axle and threw on a spare set of tires/wheels off the truck.

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I got some good inspiration from this thread while setting mine up. It isn't done, but I thought I'd share. It's an old Datsun bed, I have no idea what year. Spring under (I don't know if the springs are stock but I doubt it), 32x11.5s BFG ATs, an old 4Runner shell I had kicking around. In walling off the front of the shell, I built a shelf that houses the Mr Buddy heater and whatever else. I added some foam flooring pads and indoor-outdoor carpet to the bed to pad it out a little and add some comfort to whatever else we're sleeping on (currently a Cabelas 3" foam/air pad).

I got it out on the White Rim this weekend. We didn't get to finish the trip, but we got to use the trailer for two nights and decided we like the concept, so I'm going to keep working on it. I need to figure out a hatch over the rear to keep the weather and dust out, and I need to decide what I'm going to do about stabilizer jacks, and then I think it'll be fully usable.



Xtreme XJ

It's nice seeing one out on the trail... kudos to you for getting out & using it... I seem to be caught in a quagmire and stalled out...


Adventurer, eh?
She's only been rolling for just over a week, so the list of stuff to do it still very long, but the important part is done.




Here is our trailer the Chevy Luv Machine (if you know the exact year please let me know) we just sold the RTT and will be upgrading to CVT rainier with annex. I will be making some small fenders to give more room to the bed and make a locking top for security of items stored in bed. The supports for RTT will be attached to fenders and will raise up to have low COG and full use of annex room. Just upgraded to Treadwright guarddog 315/75/16 tires with matching steelie rims to the FJC.

Here are the new rims and tires, need to fabricate for the max coupler also

A little fender chopping is necessary

They sent on Nitto side walls

Lots of work the end of the year hope to have solar, water heater, water tank, full kitchen pull out and lights for night..wish me luck lol


New member
Ive been a long time lurker and signed up so i could check out the trailer theads as i have always had a thing for matching trailers.

Well yesterday I got to cross something off my bucket list... About a month ago I put in an ad on Craigslist stating i wanted a trailer to match my 94 Jeep Cherokee Sport.. that day a guy called me offering to build me a bed trailer from a mudder Comanche he was going to scrap

We talked over the specs and for $500 he went to work. First he cut the truck in half and welded in a support and tongue. Then he removed the lifted suspension/gas tank/spare tire and unhooked the dif. (Already a dana 35). Then he wired up the taillights through the tongue.

The bed was so bad we talked about picking up a bed from a friend of his but it fell through so im on the look out in the Norhern Ohio area for a short bed. The bed is really just rotted bedsides but completely functional as the inside and underside are very solid. He has a 2-door parts xj that I may try to cut the fenders off to patch if i cant find a bed.

Picked up the trailer last night and was able to procure more parts off this parts truck that off set the price nicely... im getting tinted rear hatch and tinted rear vent windows (very rare) and then (2) rust free front doors for my 2-door. Then he gave me bucket seats from the comanche as well. All this for $150, much lower than the boneyards... i would say it offset my trailer price to be $400 instead

Trailer pulls well and he already got me a weight slip and used it on the highway... only weighs 250lbs! Probably will top out around 500 when im through with my mods. Jeep pulled it like it wasnt even back there... I will probably lengthen the tongue to put covered box storage but for now the guy who made it cut a piece of metal and riveted it to the bed front to clean up the front

my future repairs.
-New bed/bedsides
-weld in new bumper to frame
-mount matching tires/rims (i already have them)
-new shocks
- clean up frame rails

My future mods
-removable tonneau cover w/ attached flip top tent
-lengthened tongue w/ storage box
-underneath storage box with ramp/dolly storage
(This trailer will have most use as a furniture hauler for my side business)

I know this tread is useless without pics they are coming in the next post


New member
Those are cool, however i would want the standard sides to hook the flares to. Z&M Jeep in Toledo sells them for around $100 less (dont quote me on the price) but im going to try to weld in a quarter panel from a 2-door cherokee that i have access to


Got it finished..well until solar, water storage, shower, kitchen get installed. On our way to CO so more pics and build thread to come, it tows great, got 14mpg , same as our rig always gets..even going up hill . Pretty happy with how it turned out. Rack can be brought down via boat winch installed under body

Rack raises to 6'8"

Custom paint jobby, used creosote, prickly pear and some native grasses from our yard in 2son AZ

Xtreme XJ

Nice set up... I like the minimal rear bumper hangover... I'm hoping to do something similar with mine.

Well done...
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