C-value is like the size of the opening in a container, it is a physical limitation on the amount of energy that can go in or out of the battery. I could have an olympic size pool, but if I could only empty it with a drinking straw, it wouldn't be much help in a fire.
However large your solar or inverter is does not matter if the battery cannot sustain the discharge required by the heater. That value is specified by the manufacturer for the particular battery you have. Likewise, the BMS (battery management system) can also put a limitation on the amount of current that leaves the battery. If either of these two factors can't support a 115-120amp draw, your heater will either not work or it could catch your equipment on fire.
I know you don't have a Jeep. I also know that willing an electrical system to work beyond it's capabilities will not make it so. I see lots of question marks and little understanding.
If you want to play with high-current electrical, understand the specifications of your equipment, the limitations of your installation and the risks of transgressing, which generally include fire, electrocution and slagging expensive equipment...
or don't, I won't be camping anywhere near you.