one gal. of this stuff ( ) Will give you enough "washes" for hmm... 500 full body wash times? It is mixed with water..... but trust me... guess how much water it uses then divide by 100. So with that in mind..... all you need to heat is say less than 6oz of liquid per person and you only NEED to do that in the winter for comfort. Rest of the time... its a total waste to heat it. Pretty sure you can find tons of ways to easily heat a 6oz of liquid in the winter. Use throw away baby wipes as the cleaning cloth. Let them dry and use them as fire starter. You can store 40-50 baby wipes in same space as one wash cloth. Also your less "wet" so your drying towel can be significantly smaller. In warm weather..... you don't even need a towel.
This also works good but you use it up faster. Helps with cleaning up greasy hands from field repairs as does regular "liquid" hand soap which honestly can also be wiped off as well instead of water rinse. Not a concentrate. Labeled as it does NOT have to be water rinsed off. Can be wiped off instead.
For nasty sweaty clean ups... one can follow up with isopropyl cut way-way down to like 5-10% Iso rest water.
Hair? Well they make no rinse shampoo too. Also one Gal. uses little more water than body wash surprisingly. I can't use it. Acid PH too high; makes my scalp itch something bad. All shampoo has an acidic PH. Have considered adding a little of a base to bring that down some. Maybe just Baking Soda is all need to add? or cut it with water at a higher than recomended ratio?
Course these days I only need the body wash since I got no hair on my head. ...... keep it cut bald. Charge your portable elec. razer before you go. Mine last a week without "needing" recharge. can go two and half weeks but then it startes getting to slow to keep a head bald.
both the No-Rinses has been used in hospitals, Nursing homes etc. for decades with folk who must receive bed baths. You do not "need" water to rinse because it is NOT a
Surficant "like" soap. Soap brings dirt to the
surface thus it must be Rinsed away afterwards or it stays on the surface.
With all of these no-rinses products and esp. any low % Iso... use a little body lotion afterwards could be wise to help replenish skin moisture.
PS- similar no-rinse product; if not same, is probably what baby wipes are soaked in anyway.