Sierra Challange 2015 Aug 31st - Sept 9th


i'm wondering what i am forgetting to pack- and where i put the last list i made.......
also doing a pre-carnage shake down(some of the barney riley), so that should flag anything critical.
i will be back on the west side of things on monday for re-supply(probably in placerville), then will mosey toward wentworth springs.
my air pump clips to the battery, buzzes loudly, and does the job. it'll fill 6 31" tires before the thermal overload trips. works great.
i have a snatch block that's always been heavy enough.........
i'll try contact on sun/mon., to see if last minute items are needed.


camp loser
John has a block in his kit aswell, I've been burning the midnight oil getting this 2 dr into shape getting about 3 hrs of sleep each day its rough but paying off gotta pick up a new switch for the locker/air compressor today and install the led lights rewire overdrive swtich.:coffeedrink:


It never fails. For the last 2 years now we have known we were going back to the sierras. But yet I still put just about everything off till now. It will be Sunday night and I'm still gonna be under my truck probably. Then I'll be done at midnight saying "I should probably pack now"


camp loser
Dude its shaping up that way for me aswell it'll be done but it'll be close, started wiring yesterday and found the remains of an old alarm and spent some time getting that pack rat nest of wires out of the truck. Got the lights mounted at least, both aux fans working, now just gotta get a switch for the compressor and i'll be ready.


At the mid right now renewing my registration. Just got my co2 tank swapped as well. Hopefully I'll be home at a decent hour this afternoon to finish a few things before bowling.


Looking for that thing i just had in my hand...
What's left PAJ? and are we gonna go food shopping this weekend or should I just go buy some stuff tomorrow?
Ahhh, 1980s-to early 1990s alarm fad left overs. Better to find them now then at winch hill 3. Working my ******** off in Taos, hope to get done early Saturday so I can get home and wrap up


It's good you see you boys putting in some hard wrench time though. I enjoy watching this sort of deadline stuff more than any "reality TV" or sports event. Has a more hardcore feel to it! :D I'll probably be free on Sunday if you guys need any help. I think you leave Monday right?


Well... good to find now but really sucks to have to dig into. Hopefully nothing to difficult to find with most of the front of the engine assembled but I have another coolant leak somewhere and I'm loosing it into the valley and i can here it leaking when warmed up and pressurized. I'm pretty sure Its one of the 1/4" hoses or could be a hard line that's in there somewhere towards the front of the engine kinda behind the water pump area. So angry.

But it's thursday night, I work tomorrow and have to be up at 430am. I am going to dig into this right now since it's my last day of work tomorrow for the next 2 weeks and I can hopefully slack off if need be. Plus I really don't want to take the truck apart again tomorrow after work. I just want it fixed so I can go to bed tonight (hopefully) with a little peice of mind that it's resolved.

Other than that oil change is done and the truck is right there. Just a couple finishing touches.


Why..... well.......because it's 3 days till go time. Timing tensioner FAIL. Granted this could have been happening on the road but my truck was nice enough to leak to make me go searching to find that it was a disaster waiting to happen. Anyhow, didn't find the coolant leak yet, still gotta do that. While searching though I discovered my timing belt felt slightly loose so I tore the front end pretty much all apart last night. Find my tensioner to no longer hold tension. Need a new tensioner now.
Wow, what a grind, sorry to hear that. Almost glad I am working 3 days for 12hrs with no breaks knowing my rig is sitting ready back home. But heck, 3 more nights? That is a long deadline for the AZ crew.


Looking for that thing i just had in my hand...
Dude no way, need me to go pick up an OEM tensioner? Or are we just gonna run another aftermarket one to get us by for a few weeks? Let me know what you need.


Well, there is a good sign for a change. Dealer has my tensioner. Whaaaa? That never happens.

And yes, I should be able to test drive it by midnight tonight.

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