Thank you for the invite,I haven't been there in a while also(it is actually more challenging than the Con now).A friend of mine works winch hill #1(wimpiest1.9TDIZook, you should do Fordyce with us in 2020 so Rascott won't be the only Suzuki guy!
Man I feel his pain. I switched from cigs to dip, then realized my gums were getting jacked so I just quit my Grizzly wintergreen. Must say it was easier to give up the chew than smokes tho.That's ClayTK's ************ flute, he kept vaping off right when i would accelerate making me think i was burning oil. Nicotine has it's hooks deep in the poor guy.
Yeah thats pretty bad.He sleep vapes, It was weird.
_The Sidekick kicks ass, it does the most with the least. A lot of that is driver skill but it is a very capable machine, if you can be a minimalist as far as what you pack a Suzuki will take you more places than most 4x4's.
_ The only down side to the Suzuki isn't a down side at all but it would force you to be a strategic packer and having a passenger on long trips would be tough.
Wow....beautiful scenery but definitely at a price. I am sure the experience was amazing. The monteros took a beating..but looks like they did very well.
Awsome pics Toasty!!!![]()
Any additional trail pictures of or build information on that Sidekick in your group?
While we wait for my videos to get the "Mellowest" treatment here's a little sneak preview. You can see my shooting is slowly getting better but not much, my editing is getting... I'll probably delete this one after the real video is ready, thanks to PA_JERO for being a cool guy and driving the second half of the trail for me!