SIII 109 upgrade/mod

Allen Bosely

I believe we have it narrowed down as to what we would like to do.
But I don't know if this is practical or reasonable to do.
So let me know what you think.

We will be building this in the States so we will bring in a SIII 109 5 door Land Rover.

Leaf springs are not a problem we will just upgrade the leafs.

Some of the basics we want are:

Power steering & power brakes. Will use this system if possible so as to fit under Series bonnet.[/URL]

Salisbury rear axle (I think it comes with Salisbury). Convert front and rear to discs or replace axles to get discs.

Convert to a 300TDi and R380 5 speed.
Or is there a better engine/tranny?
That parts would be available in southern Africa, where it will be going eventually.

The rest is fairly straight forward ARB locker front & rear, HD axles ect..

What body mods will be needed to do this? I'm still learning the names of the different parts like bulkheads,innerwings and such. So please be descriptive.



Expedition Leader
look yourself in the mirror and admit it: you want a 110.

Seriously, if you're doing that much, replace the frame with a galvanized 109 chassis that has been converted to coil, and go with a defender drivetrain and powerplant. Go straight to East Coast Rover's website. it is the mecha of north american rovers.
How many large boxes of cash do you have on hand?

How many months do you plan on this taking?
Answer these questions, then multiply each by values of at least three to five ... if you're satisfied with the final result, then (be prepared to) knock yourself out :)

KAA ... 109 project in bits sneaking up on ?? years now :)


300tdi comes with power steering on the motor. Just use a defender box. Power brakes are easy if you just use the later Defender booster & 300tdi kit.

The only 'conversion' you have to make is to replace the drivetrain mounts on the leaf chassis and then do something for a transmission cover on the inside. Series and Defenders are pretty similar, so the final product will be your desired look. You can go to defender wings or stay with series wings. Also, since you will be positioning the drivetrain mounts, you can decide on where the radiator goes (defender forward or series back). Pretty easy stuff. Just depends on how much you want to spend.


Allen Bosely

I would like to go with a 110 but need it to be 25 years old to import it in the US.

Our choice is between a SIII 109 or a Toyota HJ45/47 swaping the engine and tranny in it.

We want to build it or rebuild it so I know the condition before we go out in the boonies.



New member
As Kingslug says, buy a landy when you get there. The South Africans are way ahead of us on many modifications/conversions. There are a lot of good mechanics in SA that can do this. Kitting out the vehicle is no problem. Why ship a vehicle twice?

The degree or modification should be dependent on how much of Africa you expect to tour. If it is more then say SA, Namibia and Botswana, you should try to keep it limited to Land Rover or Toyota parts. When you get away from population centers and southern Africa, you will be SOL if something major happens.

I would suggest if you put in the the 300tdi, add RR difs and you will need long range tanks most likely. Whatever you do, KISS. Where are you going that you think you will need lockers?


Expedition Leader
For the Cummins, you would use an NV4500 (5spd) or I belive the NV5600 (6spd) trannies. That would be a great swap into either trucks.


Let us begin at the beginning.

First How long would you need a Land Rover in the States and how long in South Africa? Is the vehicle just to visit the States for a short time then live in SA or visa versa? Each would work best with a different strategy. Also what is your citizenship? Legal Aliens can often temporarily import a vehicle into the States that otherwise would not be legal. If the vehicle was going to be permanently in SA but only temporary in the US why not buy your vehicle in SA and bring it over? There are many different strategies that might be best depending upon the circumstances.

If it is going to live in the States but just visit SA you would be best off hunting down an LHD Ex-MOD vehicle.

On the other hand if you just wait a couple months you can hunt down a 1983 One Ten. They will be legal to import in 2008. Of course those are pre tdi vehicles.

Also what State do you intend to reside in? Individual States have their own emission regulations. It is quite possibly to legally import a vehicle into the US that can not be licensed in the State that you reside in. 1972 and older is safe in all States. You pretty much can never go wrong importing a 1972 or earlier LR and separately importing a Defender 200 tdi engine to install after the LR is registered. The Defender 200tdi engine is an easy swap into a Series 4 cyl engine bay and gearbox.

If you are considering a 5 or 6 inline cylinder engine transplant, I suggest hunting down a six cylinder LR for importing. The bulkhead, floor and possibly cross member mods that you would need to do on a 4 cyl LR have already been done by the factory.

Yes a 6BT Cummings is too large & heavy for all but a 101 forward control.

Some folks are using Range Rover P38 steering boxes for power steering conversions. The common conversion for LHD LRs in the States uses a Scout II power steering box but they can be hard to find.

Yes, a Salisbury comes standard on the rear of SIII 109s, but it never hurts to peek underneath to make sure it is there. And yes if you have a 109 you need either a Salisbury or an axle upgrade.


A 4bt

I am putting a 4bt in my S2a ambulance, besides working out a few issues it should fit. There was a pic of a S3 over at RNs board with a 4bt in it. I am going for a 4bta/np435/series xfercase/Salisbury rear combo. Just realize the travel down the engine modification road it pricey. Maybe you could source a S3 in SA and have them put in a 300TDI then you just import it back, that way the 5k is shipping could be placed toward a cool ride plus you get to bring it home.



TeriAnn said:
Some folks are using Range Rover P38 steering boxes for power steering conversions. The common conversion for LHD LRs in the States uses a Scout II power steering box but they can be hard to find.

A Toyota Landcruiser FJ60 PS box is common as well it seems and these can be found a little easier than the scout boxes.

Allen Bosely

We have been thinking about this project and explain a bit more.

It will be probably 3 yrs before it goes to Namibia. that gives us time (and faculties) to mod re-build Her and do some trips in the US as shake down runs and just enjoy Her (the Landy).

Definitely need RHD.
Want to keep Her Landy or Toyota parts where possible.

Some more questions:
Can the rear Salisbury axles simply be up dated to discs?

What is the difference between a 200Tdi and the 300Tdi?

How good can a 200Tdi be made when rebuilding it as to power and reliably?

As I understand it a 200Tdi is an easier swap than a 300Tdi, in a SIII, or will it make a difference if we start with a I6 version to begin with?

Are there any problems with the R380 5 speed?

Other than getting the engine and tranny, power steering,breaks and disc conversion sorted out. Are there any other things that need to be dealt with?

Planning on putting up graded axel shafts.What other things would you upgraded or strengthened?

Also just a thought, but would a Toyota 3B engine and H55 tranny fit? Its a 4cylinder and fits in a FJ40 LC.


Allen Bosely

We have been doing some more research and thinking about what TeriAnn said about the 1983 110s being able to be brought over in a few months.

Thoughts & suggestions on this idea, bring a 1983 110 over and put a 300TDi & R380 in it.
300TDi engines are common in SA parts are availble.

Will this combination work better/easier?


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