SilicaRich's Overland TJ Rubicon Build


Wandering Inverted
With your future plans of more education that 3K can buy a lot of gas , I wouldn't feel bad about putting this swap off until you complete the schooling. The header could be added to wake your Jeep up in the meantime. If you are only looking for fuel economy, I never noticed an increase if anything I ended up burning more fuel by mashing the skinny pedal after that install and running to the pump more frequently to feed the new addiction !

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I mashed the skinny pedal when I first purchased the Jeep, but hardly do so now. No reason to when you have 190hp and have a 0-60 somewhere around "eventually". I put a MagnaFlow on the Jeep the first winter I owned it and enjoy it. Zero power upgrades besides a touchier throttle, the rest is placebo.

Maybe I have a faulty 4.0? Maybe there is something I'm not seeing causing the mpg issues? I have gone 80 miles since last fill up and have already gone through more than half my tank according to my gas gauge (It is not the most accurate, but accurate enough). I am honestly sick of getting sub 200 miles per tank and always having to start hunting down gas stations the second I hit around 160 miles on a tank. Even if the OM617 only yields me 20mpg on average, keep in mind that still nearly doubles my average mpg and nearly cuts my fuel costs in half every year (assuming ~10k miles a year) and should pay for itself in around 3 years. The swap will have its set backs but in the long run it will be more than worth it.


I am curios as to why you've settled on the OM617? Seems to me a VW PD has at least as much power. With the VW, there are several companies that make adapters, engine mount parts, and electronics to easily integrate it into your TJ. I would think parts wold be easier to get with a newer engine. And you could even make it emissions compliant to improve resale.
I mashed the skinny pedal when I first purchased the Jeep, but hardly do so now. No reason to when you have 190hp and have a 0-60 somewhere around "eventually". I put a MagnaFlow on the Jeep the first winter I owned it and enjoy it. Zero power upgrades besides a touchier throttle, the rest is placebo.

Maybe I have a faulty 4.0? Maybe there is something I'm not seeing causing the mpg issues? I have gone 80 miles since last fill up and have already gone through more than half my tank according to my gas gauge (It is not the most accurate, but accurate enough). I am honestly sick of getting sub 200 miles per tank and always having to start hunting down gas stations the second I hit around 160 miles on a tank. Even if the OM617 only yields me 20mpg on average, keep in mind that still nearly doubles my average mpg and nearly cuts my fuel costs in half every year (assuming ~10k miles a year) and should pay for itself in around 3 years. The swap will have its set backs but in the long run it will be more than worth it.
Before I installed the stroker, I was getting about 240 to 280 miles per fill up with my stock 4.0, AX15 5 speed and the stock 19 gal tank.

I am running the OME lift, one inch body lift with 285 75R16 Goodyear MTRs with 3.73 gears. No roof rack.

I wasn't happy with the range either, so I splurged and dropped in the GenNext 24.5 gallon fuel tank and before I burned up a whole tank I needed a new engine.

With the stroker I get 260 or better but the fuel gauge shows completely empty with the needle buried. When I refill I find that I typically have 4 to 5 gallons still remaining in the tank. Should be able to get 300 mile range or even better if I would drive more like my grandmother.

Anyways, looking forward to seeing how your's progresses. Good Luck!

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I feel sorry for you. I have 2 10 gallon tanks and if I'm in the mood I can put another 10 gallons on the rear of the Jeep that gets around 15 MPG. I seem to give gas to other people that run out of fuel. I did go out and run one Jeep out of fuel so I knew how accurate the gauge was. I don't run vehicles out of fuel. I have had to siphon diesel out of my motor home to do what needs to be done to help people. If anything, I have fuel tank envy. A friends father has a 250 gallon diesel tank in his motorhome.
I still wonder why you can't complete your education at the same place. I did all of my geology things at one university.

Jim K in PA

There's something seriously wrong if you are getting true calculated mileage numbers as low as you say. My LJ Rubicon with the 6 speed, which does not have as tall an O/D as the AX-15, would reliably get 16mpg overall.

Even if you do get 20mpg after the OM617 swap, and you really are getting 12mpg now, the savings is around $0.08/mile with gas at $2.39/gallon (my local price). You will have to drive over 37,000 miles to just break even on the $3000 invested for the swap (assuming you can get it done for $3000).

Bulldog's comments above are spot-on. And the 4BT was a common swap, but it is a horrible engine in a Jeep. It's not as popular as it once was, and the cost of donors has gone up considerably.

You really need to be dispassionate about this swap. Finish school, get a cheap beater Honda for commuting, and build the Jeep when you have the time/funds/space to do so. There's no shame in that approach.


Wandering Inverted
Fun. I am honestly surprised I did not find this sooner. Driveshaft must have whacked my exhaust pipe coming off the manifold and managed to knotch a hole in it. Luckily spotted it while changing the oil yesterday. Not sure how it happened unless it happened back when I last disconnected the swap bars and stuffed the tires.


Wandering Inverted
Figured I would update after a long hiatus. Just got back from Field Camp and have to say Montana is absolutely gorgeous after spending 5 weeks up there, too bad I did not have the Jeep.

AC on the Jeep has basically bit the dust. It will work sometimes but then just completely cut out and blow hot air. Dropped it off at a local and reputable shop yesterday to get things replaced. Besides AC, I am also getting the evap canister and lines replaced, all vacuum lines (most were getting a bit corroded), and coolant flush and oil change.


Wandering Inverted
Got the Jeep back today and man it has been a while since I have last heard a quiet AC in the Jeep. No howl at all and super cold.

Trying to lock down a job for the summer here in Arkansas that I can carry over into fall semester and maybe even find a few trail groups to play around in the Ozarks with. Probably will look to some recommendations from Randy of Natural State Overland


Wandering Inverted
Just figure I would throw an update in. AC completely cut out again and blew hot. Brought it back to the shop and got it fixed for no charge. Turned out to be a faulty O ring that resulted in all my coolant leaking out. Blowing cold again.

Considering attending the Ozark Rendezvous again this October, assuming my schedule allows it. It was a blast last time, Randy did a fantastic job setting it up.

Currently waiting for my writing scores for my GRE to come in then plan to apply to graduate school with hopes of attending Arkansas again this spring. Doubt I will actually get my Masters done at Arkansas but plan to at do graduate level work until I can transfer to another school. I could possibly be in Wyoming or Oregon as early as Spring 2020.


Wandering Inverted
Gave the Jeep a much needed bath today and figured the front ARB could use a little more swag


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Wandering Inverted
Not sure if I ever posted it here but a while back (year and half ago maybe?) I was having serious idle issues once the Jeep got pretty hot. Normally on hot days or anytime the Jeep ran a hour+. That ended up being injecter and injecter harness wires resting against the hot manifold and not being well insulated. After tying the wires off and insulating them with electrical tape the issue mostly went away but has been popping up more often the last 6 months or so. I know injecters rarely need replacing but given that the harness and wires on the injecters could have been permanently damaged from being exposed to that heat. After inspecting them again, the wires overall do not look in the best condition so I might be replacing both the harness and injecters here in the next couple weeks. I take partial fault in the issue for not being more observant of my engine bay since owning the Jeep. Hopefully I can get the issue resolved sooner than later. Thank God for cooler weather finally arriving.

Also a little update on the Ozark Rendezvous. I sadly cannot attend it because it falls on the same weekend as a field trip for one of my coarses. A little disappointing but I will be having a blast either way.

On my academics situation, I sent my application for graduate school here at Arkansas to start this spring with hopes of staying for a semester or two and then transfering to another school that better suites what I intend to pursue. Who knows, this time next year I could be in Wyoming or Oregon.


Renaissance Redneck
Not sure if I ever posted in your thread before (read 6 or 7 of the 20 pages). I used to have an 05 Rubicon in impact orange too. Identical to yours, but I don’t think it had cruise. I wish I still had it, but being a contractor, it wasn’t exactly a practical choice!F5AF4BDF-4DB9-48C3-B7BC-C519B04E51E5.jpeg


Wandering Inverted
Whelp I am officially a BS in Geology.
The first week of January I will be moving near Pheonix for work so hopefully will have time and money to explore Arizona until I get into graduate school next fall.

Possibly thinking about making the diesel swap a reality by next fall. My pay until August is great, plus added benefit of being paid to use my vehicle in the field, got a cheap living option, and turn key packages are $5495 (shipping and taxes not included). This is the best possible scenario, I am sure bumps and bruises will occur along the way

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