Best of luck!
I have some friends that work the outdoor expo that got me in a couple of times. That gathering is pretty sweet. The sheer amount of cool "stuff" is really impressive and makes me wish I had a lot more money and a lot more room in my house.
Other than your shower, anything of of note that caught your eye?
I haven't had a chance to look much (been manning the booth the entire time), but I saw some interesting things - a solar oven that is longish and folds up the size of a laptop case, sunscreen mixed with bug repellant, and a beer . Actually, the guy next to me sells the "Pocket Roaster" - a collapsible marshallow/hot dog roasting stick with the tines facing the user (little chance of poking anyone with it). It's something I recommend.
For our Canadian Neighbors, MEC will carry the Simple Shower in the spring. I also have a potential Aussie distributor.