Ski Bum Truck V2.0, F450 Rough Road RV


Expedition Leader
Insulating between the 2" x 2" tubing will help a lot, but you are still going to loose heat through the tubing itself, because steel is a better conductor of heat than air is.

Since your flooring is already down, the only other way I can think to improve that situation would be to create a complete sub-floor under the steel frame and insulate it completely, so there is no conduction between it and the frame or the floor above. Probably not very practical though...


Expedition Leader
Insulating between the 2" x 2" tubing will help a lot, but you are still going to loose heat through the tubing itself, because steel is a better conductor of heat than air is.

Since your flooring is already down, the only other way I can think to improve that situation would be to create a complete sub-floor under the steel frame and insulate it completely, so there is no conduction between it and the frame or the floor above. Probably not very practical though...
Thanks, I figured It would conduct well enough to possibly out weigh the insulation mostly.

I have a 1/8" of foam under the vinyl floor, it's ~r .5 so I'm hoping that plus some insulation will help me not wake up to frost on the floor.

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Expedition Leader
What about drilling some holes in the 2x2 and use some spray foam in side ?

The tube wall itself will still be a thermal carrier around the foam, not sure that would do much. I am not a thermal engineer though.....

Secondly I tired to do that a bit with the vertical ribs on the inisde of the box. Spray foam does not work well in those type of spaces, not sure if it just cant vetn enough to expand but it really didn't work. I got maybe 6-8" from hole realistically and used to ton of foam trying to get it in that far.


Gabe, we went to the carpet discount place and bought some cheap heavy shag carpet and I cut it to fit the floor area. It works well for us. Ours is spray foamed from the outside so is already warm but the carpet adds a "comfort level" in the winter.



Expedition Leader
Gabe, we went to the carpet discount place and bought some cheap heavy shag carpet and I cut it to fit the floor area. It works well for us. Ours is spray foamed from the outside so is already warm but the carpet adds a "comfort level" in the winter.


Yeah I am thinking of going that route too. Snow tracked in is my only concern. May even add heat mats under it for when we have hook ups at ski lots. Need to lift my fridge, its too close to the floor to clear carpet at the moment.


My plan for my Uhaul body is 2" of spray foam under the entire floor from the outside. The only spot not covered will be the two frame rails where they contact the 2x4 spacer between the box and truck frame. Inside will be thin plywood then vinyl sheet.


Expedition Leader
My plan for my Uhaul body is 2" of spray foam under the entire floor from the outside. The only spot not covered will be the two frame rails where they contact the 2x4 spacer between the box and truck frame. Inside will be thin plywood then vinyl sheet.
Yeah I couldn't get the spray foam guy to do it, not enough room and too much **** in the way.

I'm planning on rigid sheets a d sheet metal under it. I have 1/8 ish if foam an vinyl over it on the inside

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Expedition Leader
For Randy @B85

Good news it took maybe 5 minutes from garage door opening to closing. Rivnuts are awesome.


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Tail-End Charlie
Rivnuts are awesome.

They are. Until the day comes when you go to take some bolts out...and one stupid rivnut just spins in its hole. :D

The anti-seize will hopefully prevent that.

But sooner or later...


Expedition Leader
They are. Until the day comes when you go to take some bolts out...and one stupid rivnut just spins in its hole. :D

The anti-seize will hopefully prevent that.

But sooner or later...
This is true. But luckily we have vise grips too :D

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For the ones that have not been set yet, a bit of Gorilla Glue, Sika, JB Weld or your choice of adhesive on the frame, will help keep the insert from spinning.

Obviously you do not want to get this in/on the threads, so applying it 'around' the hole, prior to placing the Rivnut, is ideal.

The commercial Rivnut guns, such as Sherex or Blue Pneumatic, may set the Rivnut better than a hand tool, but I have no personal experience comparing the two side by side.


Expedition Leader
Yeah I heard of red loctite being used as well. Hopefully these don't spin for awhile!

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Expedition Leader
A storm was headed through Friday night which was supposed to bring snow. So what did we do? Pack up and go looking for it!

Off the highway and headed up for more altitude

Found the snow line, so we parked and called it a spot for the night. Whipped up some tasty dinner and had a nice little fire. A couple went by just as we were headed inside for dinner, just after dark. Driving a 4x4 early 80's Toyota Chinook camper, say hi if your on here! Looked awesome


Woke up to 3" of new stuff! So pretty.


Kid and dog had a good time.

No drama heading down in the morning, we were a little worried as its pretty steep. I had grabbed some chains on the way home from work, but first gear idled us down the hill safely.

Now the interesting parts..... 4x4 doesn't work.... At least the hubs wont lock in with vacuum as they are supposed to. So I started tracing vac lines. So far they all look good, but I did find a dead seal.... I cant for the life of me figure out what this part is called.

Its this seal at the end of the axle tube. I dont think it has anything to do with the vacuum system as that's all in the hub. Looks like a ***** to get everything out to change it......

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