The onboard AC works fine, but I cant leave it running all the time if I leave the vehicle, Ive been told (by police) its not even legal in some states to leave a vehicle and leave it running. If it were just me, I wouldn't care much, but I have a dog that goes with me everywhere. I used to mainly travel in the winter, I have no choice but to travel intermittently all through the year at this point, so, I'm figuring out how to do it and not cook the dog and not have some goob break my window out to rescue my dog. 4Runner is what I have. 4Runner is what I'll work on to make it inhabitable in summer conditions while travelling. I also tend to sleep in the vehicle when its not cold out, so I may also appreciate it at times.
Last year when travelling in the summer I was reluctant to even leave the dog in the vehicle to go in a store or get food. I have a thermometer to keep check on the temp in the vehicle, but some heroic type may disregard or be unaware of it sitting in plain sight. It still was getting into the mid 70s or so just getting fast food. I run the AC at 67 while driving. The dog and I both like it that way.

The nice police officer that told me about not leaving a vehicle running was talking to me because somebody had called in two dogs left in a vehicle (mine), and he was checking on them. He had a hand-help temp sensor that told him the inside temp of the vehicle when he stuck it in the open window (was parked in shade also). He informed me that it could be a felony level charge if an animal was seriously hurt or died from heat when left in a vehicle. This in a tiny town in Montana. Wed stopped to get a quick lunch on the way into the mountains for the day, where the dogs could play in the snow, but in town, it was warm, warm enough to overheat an unattended animal left in a vehicle. Such is life today.
It gets mid 90s to 100 here off and on over the summer, and I have to travel to the Midwest, and to Az. Not sure what else is going to work. The flex duct will be the ugly part, the rest will be in a box on the rear carrier.
first pic is random dog in car pic from the net. Second is my dog and vehicle packed for the road.