SLO's FWC Hawk Refurb/Build...


I forget what 'They' (meaning organized local mtn bike advocates) were calling the area across the highway from Gooseberry. Is it "legit" now & are they calling it the 'Avocado Trails'? The last time I was there (5+ yrs), 'They' were talking with the BLM & trying to make it a legit trail head, much like Gooseberry; parking, toilets etc. At that time it was still just crudely marked (& very fun!) slick rock/high desert riding. Has that changed? Either way, I'm sure it's still fun, just curious.

In regards to the front mount hitch, yeah, it takes a bit to get used to the IDEA of bikes up front.
Most of the time when I'm traveling it's just me, & I built my rack to hold my bike facing towards the passenger side, that way I can pull the seat & have an unobstructed driving view.
Again, it cuts way down on road grime, especially when driving through sh#@ty north west weather towards more riding friendly climates.
As a "retired" bike mechanic I still see a lot of friends bikes who have come back from late fall and/or early spring trips to the south with completely corroded cables wondering why they won't shift anymore. Then they tell me of the epic storms they passed through and all the brown caked ice on the back of their rigs & bikes...
Meanwhile, I drive to Baja & back every winter with my bike up front with very few worries. And my bike is always in view. Just my $0.02c.
Have fun

Across the Highway (north) of Gooseberry is the Guacamole Trail. You were close. You can camp up there and ride similar to the Goose. No dots to follow only cairn's. Its pretty easy though. We camped and rode out there and had a blast!

Yea, Ill have to keep thinking about that front mount. Im not sure I like the idea. If I build a new rear bumper with jerry can and tire swingout I will have the bikes attache to it so they will be up higher and hopefully less road grime.

The flatbed on my last rig was AWESOME!

Glad to hear you really liked it. I keep going back and forth. Just really dont have time or the space like I used to for projects. haha We'll see. Never stopped me before!

IMHO, with your evident skills, a flatbed and front mount hitch are in your near future!

Thank you! Some form of fab work is coming up! The camper is nearly done! haha :smiley_drive:


Rained here in SB for the past couple days. Killed me not to get to work on the camper. haha I have a decent sized list of little things to do but am feeling very good about the build so far! Headed back up to SLO for the holiday for some surfing and camping. Cant wait!

First thing I need to do is add the unregulated propane line for the camp stove. Right now I have to hook up the little green bottle to cook inside.
Second will be to close off the old fridge vents as the engel doesn't need to be vented from behind and I get a nice little sold breeze in the camper now! haha
Third will be to mount the 40lbs struts that Overland Hadley gave me.

Also been debating on painting the camper to match the truck. I estimated it would cost me about $100 worth of those small spray cans of matching car paint. I plan on doing a "tester" spot soon. If it looks good I'm going for it! haha What do you guys think? I've debated this heavily. Going white would "update" it and help resale, but matching the truck would look great and I am not planning on selling the camper anytime soon as I am VERY happy with how it all turned out.

And since I like Pictures...... Off a dirt road inbetween Hurricane and Rockville Utah near the Guacamole Trail... :elkgrin:



Likes to Drive and Ride
I like white because it goes with everything, but my wife says "white is a complete lack of color".
Of course she also might get a new car next year, I'd like to get white, while she...

If the color match is good, painted the same as your truck could look really sharp.


I like white because it goes with everything, but my wife says "white is a complete lack of color".
Of course she also might get a new car next year, I'd like to get white, while she...

If the color match is good, painted the same as your truck could look really sharp.

Thanks for the input! I like white as well. When I was looking for my truck years ago I REALLY wanted white. But the old Grandpa "Prairie Tan" was the one I found. haha White would also be cheaper as FWC says the standard Rustoleum White is what to use on the campers.

Color patch to happen over the Holiday. We'll see how it goes. I really like the idea of the color match with a black stripe. Would make the setup look good. :elkgrin:

On another note, I had some time to do a little Mod that has been on the list for a while. The bench seat back part always falls over or moved when driving around. Might have something to do with the fact I always stuff that area full of bedding and clothes! haha I added some eye hooks in each corner of the camper wall and then a small wire loop to each side of the seat. Then used small bungees to keep the bench in place. That bad boy is not going anywhere now!!! :ylsmoke:





Watch out for leaving the interior lights on too long when the camper roof is down.

Those incandescent lights get really HOT !


If you do leave the roof down and the interior lights on, just make sure to push the pop-up material away from the interior lights as much as possible. This will help avoid heat damage to the soft sided pop-up liner.



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Watch out for leaving the interior lights on too long when the camper roof is down.

Those incandescent lights get really HOT !


If you do leave the roof down and the interior lights on, just make sure to push the pop-up material away from the interior lights as much as possible. This will help avoid heat damage to the soft sided pop-up liner.


Thanks for the heads up. Luckily all my lights are LED. Much less heat! I didn't even think about that though.
Hope all is well up North!


Looking sweet as always!!


Well guys, sitting here watching it rain for the 3rd day straight, and guess what. I have a dang leak in the front part of the roof. Looks like I know what the next phase of the project will be! :smilies27

Can anyone give me a link for where to buy replacement roofing screws? They are like #8 metal screws with little rubber gaskets similar to metal building screws. Thanks!

As always... PICTS ARE GOOD! :)



Bad News: After all the rain I opened up the Hawk to inspect the leak. Rig is parked on a slight slope and under my mattress there was a puddle! :REExeSwimmingHL: I need to get to work!

Good News: My buddy is wrapping up all the photo editing from our Utah Trip. I can start the trip report soon.
Yet another teaser. :coffeedrink:



Nice shots of the truck. Great combo of truck/camper.


Thanks! Gotta love taking picts of the rig! haha

locrwln said:
Digging your buddy's photography!

Thanks. He's been a good friend for a long time. Here's his website.


Well I was able to get a little time to tinker on the camper Sunday. First up was run the unregulated line up to my stove line. I'm glad I got this one done.

Picture of where I added the line near the tank.

Attached tot he valve. Gotta run back to the hardware store for one more fitting to wrap up the line going to the heater. Always missing ONE PIECE! DANG! haha :sombrero:

Next up: I never really like the threshold at the door. I thought it was a tripping hazzad which I have constantly tripped on myself. So I shaped a peice of wood with a 45* cut on it to make a better transition. Threw a little rattle can rhino liner on it and whallaa.. Here it is. Im pretty happy with this little mod.


Another angle.

And as always, one good parting shot to remind me to go use the rig/camper!
Happy Holidays everyone.


Walt Knapp

New member
Didn't see them there but will have to look a bit harder. Thanks for the info!

One thing, it's usually much cheaper to buy screws by the box than in small amounts from the local hardware (My local Ace Hardware does sell by the box, btw). I always buy stainless steel screws that way. And stainless is what I plan to use when I replace all the screws on the roof of my 2007 Eagle. Does not leak yet, but the sealant over them is well weathered.

Try Fastenall, they sell at very good prices, basically wholesale. And they can supply just about any fastener on order. Often my local Fastenall has what I need on the shelf, but a order from the warehouse generally only takes a day.

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