Alright, A little update from a long great day of work yesterday. I should be in my shop right now, but that extra hour of sleeping in and 2nd cup of coffee's got me relaxing still! :coffeedrink:
Started the morning off with an executive decision. Most all the particle board needs to go. The laminent is peeling everywhere and its just plan hammered. Plus as I am on my second older camper I am tired of all the old laminated wood look! Time to update this one a bit! Not tearing the inside panels out, but going to lighten up the interior. Im hoping it turns out! Kee your fingers crossed! :sombrero:
I had a big Hardware store run after work on Friday so I am ready to go in the shop all day.
Tearing more stuff out!
Next up I dug out all the dryrot from each passenger side corner I could. I bit scary, but had to be done. I cleaned it up the best I could and screwed the screws back in. I then put some wax paper over a board and taped it under each corner to catch the resin. A lot of fiberglass and resin later corners are looking good. I think that should last a while.
Underside ready for some sanding and paint.
Floor Holes patched up and ready for sanding.
Rocking and roll'n!!!! Here is a picture of the front counter panel. Tearing all the old out and using them as templates was great! Can you see some changes I made to the new front? Ive added a few things. :elkgrin:
The JUNK Pile! :snorkel:
All of the new counter pieces, minus cabinet doors. Gotta do that today. Ready for some painting! BTW, painting is SO SLOW! Not my favorite process. Beers help with this. :beer:
How I left my shop last night. Hoping to go down there this morn and see everything looking good!
Alright, Lots of work left still to do. Hopefully soon it starts going back together. Cheers,
Started the morning off with an executive decision. Most all the particle board needs to go. The laminent is peeling everywhere and its just plan hammered. Plus as I am on my second older camper I am tired of all the old laminated wood look! Time to update this one a bit! Not tearing the inside panels out, but going to lighten up the interior. Im hoping it turns out! Kee your fingers crossed! :sombrero:
I had a big Hardware store run after work on Friday so I am ready to go in the shop all day.
Tearing more stuff out!

Next up I dug out all the dryrot from each passenger side corner I could. I bit scary, but had to be done. I cleaned it up the best I could and screwed the screws back in. I then put some wax paper over a board and taped it under each corner to catch the resin. A lot of fiberglass and resin later corners are looking good. I think that should last a while.


Underside ready for some sanding and paint.

Floor Holes patched up and ready for sanding.

Rocking and roll'n!!!! Here is a picture of the front counter panel. Tearing all the old out and using them as templates was great! Can you see some changes I made to the new front? Ive added a few things. :elkgrin:

The JUNK Pile! :snorkel:

All of the new counter pieces, minus cabinet doors. Gotta do that today. Ready for some painting! BTW, painting is SO SLOW! Not my favorite process. Beers help with this. :beer:

How I left my shop last night. Hoping to go down there this morn and see everything looking good!

Alright, Lots of work left still to do. Hopefully soon it starts going back together. Cheers,