Ive got both a Propex Furnace (HS2800) and a Wave 6 Catalytic heater in a 20ft trailer.. I live and play in Colorado, spent last night in a BLM desert down to teens through a hellacious storm and then drove through white out conditions.. neither have ever let me down so far, even at 10kft.
They both have their benefits and downsides, so I use em both but either or would be suitable depending on your needs..
Propex Pros:
- Thermostat to maintain temps, wont wake up overheating because it didnt get as cold as you thought it would.
- External Combustion, dry, safe and I trust it completely sleeping or unsupervised.
- Circulates air, good for larger spaces getting heating evenly.. can be ducted as needed.
Propex Cons:
- Uses Electricity, colder it gets the more it runs and the quicker your batteries drain.
- Makes Noise, wont be silent.. especially at a high duty cycle where its running more than its not.
Wave Pros:
- Radiant Heat is great for warming up cold body parts, floors, surfaces, etc.. like standing infront of a fire.
- Constant Heat is great for Drying out any wet clothes at night, no switching on/off like a furnace.
- Completely Silent
- Uses absolutely no Electricity
Wave Cons:
- Internal Combustion
- Radiant Heat may be a problem if you have things you need to keep cool, like a fridge
- Water/Condensation which may not be a con in a very dry environment.
- No Thermostatic controls, only get whatever Lo/Med/High gives.. easy to wake up sweating.
- Needs to be covered when not in use
thats my observations, I have em both because they complement eachother well.. I run wave as base heat, usually on low.. and then the Propex at set temp, keeps my electrical needs lower, quieter nights, and best comfort... I have full redundancy incase one fails, but thats not happened yet.. I could do with either one, but if I had to choose between em It'd be the Propex because its just set it and forget it and its the safest.