Small offload trailer that has propane furnace???


New member
There seem to be so many campers at various price points but nothing appeals to my needs. I see 10k priced units that have a long list of features(like lights, etc.) as if that justifies the price and it is considered "rugged" yet has no heat. Then there is the other trailer that has what I need but high quality and costs 35k. I would like an offload trailer that is plumbed for propane furnace and maybe stove in rear. The main thing I want is furnace and a legit unit that is capable for western hunting without costing a fortune. Any recommendations to look at?



Well-known member
Just slap a Propex into whatever suits your fancy, its an easy retrofit for most any design.. mine didnt have a heater but it had a stove, took all of $10 in fittings at Ace Hardware to T off of and I was ready to go.


New member
I've heard of the propex but is it as good as a furnace? Also, how reliable is it? I need a unit that can withstand temps into the single digits and work. I'm camping in serious western terrain, not some beach in Southern California.


Well-known member
Ive got both a Propex Furnace (HS2800) and a Wave 6 Catalytic heater in a 20ft trailer.. I live and play in Colorado, spent last night in a BLM desert down to teens through a hellacious storm and then drove through white out conditions.. neither have ever let me down so far, even at 10kft.

They both have their benefits and downsides, so I use em both but either or would be suitable depending on your needs..

Propex Pros:
  • Thermostat to maintain temps, wont wake up overheating because it didnt get as cold as you thought it would.
  • External Combustion, dry, safe and I trust it completely sleeping or unsupervised.
  • Circulates air, good for larger spaces getting heating evenly.. can be ducted as needed.
Propex Cons:
  • Uses Electricity, colder it gets the more it runs and the quicker your batteries drain.
  • Makes Noise, wont be silent.. especially at a high duty cycle where its running more than its not.
Wave Pros:
  • Radiant Heat is great for warming up cold body parts, floors, surfaces, etc.. like standing infront of a fire.
  • Constant Heat is great for Drying out any wet clothes at night, no switching on/off like a furnace.
  • Completely Silent
  • Uses absolutely no Electricity
Wave Cons:
  • Internal Combustion
  • Radiant Heat may be a problem if you have things you need to keep cool, like a fridge
  • Water/Condensation which may not be a con in a very dry environment.
  • No Thermostatic controls, only get whatever Lo/Med/High gives.. easy to wake up sweating.
  • Needs to be covered when not in use

thats my observations, I have em both because they complement eachother well.. I run wave as base heat, usually on low.. and then the Propex at set temp, keeps my electrical needs lower, quieter nights, and best comfort... I have full redundancy incase one fails, but thats not happened yet.. I could do with either one, but if I had to choose between em It'd be the Propex because its just set it and forget it and its the safest.


New member
Well I'm boondocking, not shore power. Like I said, I'm trying to find a unit that can withstand some serious western terrain. I'm starting to understand why people just build their own units.


Well-known member
I do nothing but boondock, the blower motor runs off 12vdc.. but you need sufficient batteries to operate it for the desired time, and a way to recharge them.. Ive got big solar, and battery bank largely to support just a fridge and a furnace indefinitely w/out shore power.

most stick built mass market trailers got big giant furnaces in em that will suck a normal sized battery dry in less than a night if it gets cold enough.. the propex is one of the most efficient you can buy in the electrical and gas usage metrics, but if you dont desire any battery reliance then I'd say the choice has been made for you.. hard mount in an appropriate sized wave heater in and get a co2/fire and lp alarm if you dont already.
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Well-known member
Ive got both a Propex Furnace (HS2800) and a Wave 6 Catalytic heater in a 20ft trailer.. I live and play in Colorado, spent last night in a BLM desert down to teens through a hellacious storm and then drove through white out conditions.. neither have ever let me down so far, even at 10kft.

They both have their benefits and downsides, so I use em both but either or would be suitable depending on your needs..

Propex Pros:
  • Thermostat to maintain temps, wont wake up overheating because it didnt get as cold as you thought it would.
  • External Combustion, dry, safe and I trust it completely sleeping or unsupervised.
  • Circulates air, good for larger spaces getting heating evenly.. can be ducted as needed.
Propex Cons:
  • Uses Electricity, colder it gets the more it runs and the quicker your batteries drain.
  • Makes Noise, wont be silent.. especially at a high duty cycle where its running more than its not.
Wave Pros:
  • Radiant Heat is great for warming up cold body parts, floors, surfaces, etc.. like standing infront of a fire.
  • Constant Heat is great for Drying out any wet clothes at night, no switching on/off like a furnace.
  • Completely Silent
  • Uses absolutely no Electricity
Wave Cons:
  • Internal Combustion
  • Radiant Heat may be a problem if you have things you need to keep cool, like a fridge
  • Water/Condensation which may not be a con in a very dry environment.
  • No Thermostatic controls, only get whatever Lo/Med/High gives.. easy to wake up sweating.
  • Needs to be covered when not in use

thats my observations, I have em both because they complement eachother well.. I run wave as base heat, usually on low.. and then the Propex at set temp, keeps my electrical needs lower, quieter nights, and best comfort... I have full redundancy incase one fails, but thats not happened yet.. I could do with either one, but if I had to choose between em It'd be the Propex because its just set it and forget it and its the safest.

Have you tested the Wave with a CO monitor? The amount of CO it emits changes allot Lo-Med-Hi. Even more with altitude.


Well-known member
There's alot of variables that are specific to only you, this is why I bought a rather minimal pre-fab and outfitted it my self.. how big LP tank do you need, how much energy generation and storage capacity do you need are all specific to you, your rig (size, insulation, etc) and the worst case conditions you put your self through (4 season?).. If someone else does all that, then its unlikely to work well for your needs.

Buddy heaters suck balls, they stink and consume a ton of fuel.. a Wave heater burns super clean, no smell what soever and seems to be far more efficient w/fuel.. Ive got a CO alarm and its never been set off, tho I do crack a window and have soft sides that naturally just breath regardless.. Ive had 2 buddy heaters and once I got a wave heater I seriously regretted wasting a dime on those buddys and just gave em away to anyone who'd take em.

Wave heaters are much cheaper than a propex, but have a much shorter lifespan due to the catalyst eventually aging out.. I know of Westfallia's with decades old Propex heaters that have been entirely reliable.


Well-known member
There's alot of variables that are specific to only you, this is why I bought a rather minimal pre-fab and outfitted it my self.. how big LP tank do you need, how much energy generation and storage capacity do you need are all specific to you, your rig (size, insulation, etc) and the worst case conditions you put your self through (4 season?).. If someone else does all that, then its unlikely to work well for your needs.

Buddy heaters suck balls, they stink and consume a ton of fuel.. a Wave heater burns super clean, no smell what soever and seems to be far more efficient w/fuel.. Ive got a CO alarm and its never been set off, tho I do crack a window and have soft sides that naturally just breath regardless.. Ive had 2 buddy heaters and once I got a wave heater I seriously regretted wasting a dime on those buddys and just gave em away to anyone who'd take em.

Wave heaters are much cheaper than a propex, but have a much shorter lifespan due to the catalyst eventually aging out.. I know of Westfallia's with decades old Propex heaters that have been entirely reliable.

Go buy one of these so you know what the CO is.

MODEL PG-2017 – CO Experts

At 8k-10k elevation Waves produce allot of CO.


There are diesel heaters,Espar,Webasto,and some new entries into the market,there are threads on this site,Chinese and Russian made.
The guy in these videos uses a Propex.One of the things I like about the Propex is it could be off during the night,in the morning,justreach over and turn it on.

These folks use a wood stove.

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