I personally do not like the idea of explosive gas in a canister
So your car's electric then? No worries, you wont make it towing out to the campsite anyhow..
he'd need a battery bank that rivaled the cost of a trailer to run electric heat, at that point your better off just running a genset all night and pissing EVERYONE off within earshot and burning alot of gasoline.
I just used 8 gallons of LP in a week of camping in late October on a soft sided 20ft trailer, I had no problem getting my tank refilled at a fuel station I stumped across randomly in BFE Utah.. Did not see any Kerosine for sale tho.. I can go 5 days off my 30# LP tank running my Propex every night near or below freezing.. if I had a full hardsided rig properly insulated, or a smaller one.. could easily double that.
Liquid Propane lasts basically forever, which is ideal for a recreational vehicle that spends more time parked than it does out burning fuel, put a diesel/kerosine tank on your trailer, and if you dont use it all by the end of the season your better off just disposing of it than letting it sit all winter sucking moisture out of the air and contaminating the fuel... or else that bad fuel will foul out your heater next season.
Lastly Liquid Propane burns perfectly clean, even when the Air/Fuel Ratio is very rich due to high altitude conditions.. Espar style fuel heaters tend to foul out in these conditions because not burning off all the diesel tends to gunk things up very fast.. Ive heard reports of Diesel Sprinters spending a weekend in Vail in middle of winter, only to have the heater foul out within a day.. so you gotta buy a very expensive electronic fuel injection conversion system so its capable of compensating for altitude and leaning out the fuel delivery.
IMO Espar style heaters are ideal for a diesel vehicle, with a diesel tank already installed, and IMO should be the water heater variety tied into the engine's coolant system so you get the benefit of pre-heating the diesel engine too.. but a travel trailer? naw, my tow vehicle is diesel but its not worth the hassle, and expense of trying to make my trailer diesel too... I dunno where I could even mount the fuel tank onto my trailer that would not be far more vulnerable to impacts than a little LP tank on the tongue..