The Honda's or Yamaha's are obviously great pieces of equipment. For the Ham radio Field Day event last weekend we used a Harbor Freight Predator brand 3200 watt generator to run three hf, a vhf and a satellite (2 more vhf) radios plus 7 single tube fluorescent lights. This was MAYBE 1,000 watts of load if all the radios were keyed down at once. We also used a Honda 6500 watt generator alternately (one was running while the other cooled down and was refueled). The Predator obviously burned less fuel but it was remarkable how long it ran on a given amount of fuel. I have no idea what the longevity would be but right now they are on sale for $290 ! ! ! I'd say it was about the same noise level as the Honda 6500 we also used (i.e. not all that quiet).
People always want to go with large generators but the secret is right sizing. If a big ol' 6500 watt generator will only run for 8 hours on 5 gallons of gas and a big disaster hits locally (a Katrina level event) how many days are you going to be able to keep that beast fueled? It would take 25 gallons of gas to run that beast only 8 hours a day for five days. Conversely a 2000 watt generator could run the same amount of time on around five gallons of gas. Just sayin'.