Smittybilt Overland XL RTT-New product.


New member
Will one of these fit on a Rhinorack Pioneer rack that's 56"x72"?

I have the rack on my 2017 JKU.

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Anyone have a picture of the new annex for the XL? Curious if it has a floor. I know the smaller version does not.


New member
Hey Mark,

I ended up building a 4x6 platform out of 1.25" square tubing with the ladder opening to passenger side on the trailer. I was going to go with 1.5" but the 1.25" is a tad lighter and plenty robust enough in my opinion. I still need to weld in some gussets but the framing is done. I've been grinding down some welds and working on chasing a short down in my lights. Everything works except my blinkers when the lights are turned on. I'm about to tear out all the wiring and start over. Aggravating! :)

I'll hopefully be able to post up some pics and get the tent on this weekend.


It would depend on the age of inventory of your retailer. 4wp was out of stock and just got a new shipment in last week when i got my latest ones.

I see that Smittybilt updated there annex on the website, and it looks like they moved the door to the side which makes a lot more sense. Did yours come this way XJ?
I've had a few of the annex for the STD tent. First one had the opening in the front, ladder was in the way. Then i got one with the door on the side but no floor. The latest one has the door on the side and the removable floor. Im really happy with the newest design. The floor will eventually get worn, but its a wearable item to me. I keep a piece of astro turf as a ground cover to prolong the life and to have a softer floor. I think ill end up with some outdoor carpet in the annex.


New member
Anyone know how frequently 4WP puts the smaller RTT on sale? It was sitting around $719 for most of Nov/Dec., but now it's jumped back up to $900. I'm kicking myself for not pulling the trigger earlier, because the tent seemed like a steal at $719, but I'm not sure it seems like such a good value at closer to a grand.
I'll be needing at tent by April at the latest, but I don't want to pull the trigger at full price right now, then find out a month later it dropped again.


Anyone know how frequently 4WP puts the smaller RTT on sale? It was sitting around $719 for most of Nov/Dec., but now it's jumped back up to $900. I'm kicking myself for not pulling the trigger earlier, because the tent seemed like a steal at $719, but I'm not sure it seems like such a good value at closer to a grand.
I'll be needing at tent by April at the latest, but I don't want to pull the trigger at full price right now, then find out a month later it dropped again.

Not to add salt to the wound but I got mine, during one of the 12 days of Christmas for 649, shipped. I would just keep watching maybe during a Holiday, they will have a sale. SmittyBilt/4 wheel parts do offer a 90 day price match guarantee.


Anyone know how frequently 4WP puts the smaller RTT on sale? It was sitting around $719 for most of Nov/Dec., but now it's jumped back up to $900. I'm kicking myself for not pulling the trigger earlier, because the tent seemed like a steal at $719, but I'm not sure it seems like such a good value at closer to a grand.
I'll be needing at tent by April at the latest, but I don't want to pull the trigger at full price right now, then find out a month later it dropped again.

You can get it for around $774 on 4WD.COM. Coupon: 4WDSAVEBIG10 and then use ebates for an additional $35 cash back brings it down to $774. Tax Free right now as well.


Installed mine on my trailer.






Winter trip in XL

This seemed like the best place for this.

First winter trip in Smittybuilt XL.

Little weekend ATV trip near St. Maries ID. Snowed almost the entire time, temps were mild. 20-30's. No Idea total accumulation. I would guess north of a foot.

From my summer use of the tent, I knew I wasn't happy with the mattress. Ended up with a couple 1.5" toppers from Walmart. I can't recall the size I started with, maybe 2 fulls? I was going to lay them in front to back, but after observing how stiff they were in the cold, laid them side to side and trimmed a few " off each one. They fold very little at the seam and, laid flat perfectly when the tent was opened.
First one in, pre-trim.

As you can see I also added some reflectix I had laying around. I've seen the masonry pads, but I had this on hand. I was hoping a thermal break between the mattress and sheet metal would stop or reduce and condensation. Also if any condensation formed I hope would be harmlessly trapped between the sheet metal and reflectix.
Trimmed and in place folded. I left little tabs on the ends that close off the holes in the side where the poles hinge.

All in all, everything performed better than expected. I slept using only my thermals and a down comforter the first night and skivvies and down comforter the second night. Low temp was just over 20* each night. I only checked once, but the bottom of the mattress was completely dry. I had a down sleeping bag on stand by just in case, but was perfectly comfortable without it. It is tighter to close, but I think with careful placement I could leave the comforter and possibly the pillows as well. The straps were a pain in the snow, so the next mods will be upgraded buckles and some grip tape on the steps.

I did hang a little buddy heater from the ridge pole. I used it about 5 min at a time before entering and exiting the tent. Don't think I needed it or noticed it any time except some mid night calls to repatriate some converted beer.

I will say I think the annex might be a winter requirement. Going up and down the snowy ladder required a little additional concentration and removing snowy clothing and boots while trying to minimize snow in the tent was a pain. The late night head calls were of course a PITA. Usually in the winter I carry a spare bottle. This time I both forgot a bottle, and also had a friend join me the first night. I think a bottle or loo in the annex would be perfect. Since while I can urinate on my side, it's always a little dicey! The annex would also be perfect to ditch the snowy clothes and boots, and with the addition of the heater could be a drying room as well.



Footnote, I haven't been able to get the center seam to engage when the tent is fully open? Any tips or tricks? Thanks!

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