Snacks / light meal ideas


White Turtle Adventures & Photography
I hate it when I stop someplace for fuel and all they have are greasy chips, not that I don't eat them but I know that I shouldn't, and after a couple days of chips as snacks I don't feel the best. As well when I am on the road I find that many times I am trying to get someplace to shoot at a certain time and I tend to skip meals that take time to prepare which again is not something that is a good idea.

So what are your snack/ light (and/or fast) meal ideas for on the road? I like things that can be brought into the cab in the morning and then eaten when I have time. For me Jerky, beef sticks, trail mix, cheese and crackers are my go to ones but I am getting bored with these.

So put your ideas here so I can use some of the good ones on my next trip :chef:


Finally in expo white.
I work out of my truck 12 hours a days in a remote area so I'm always looking for easy meal options I can make at work, as opposed to making lunches in my limited off time to bring with. Bonus points if I can just keep the stuff in my truck.

So far I haven't figured out anything mind blowing. Peanut butter sandwiches, cans or pouches of salmon or tuna with mayo and crackers, trail mix, nuts. Oranges, apples, carrots. Noodle soup, mac and cheese, oatmeal.(if you have hot water.)


My girlfriend likes to try out new recipes for homemade energy bars, oat fudge bars and such.
You can make pretty good ones that are quite healthy and don't even use sugar.
You can make some really good ones that are less healthy...
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"Great Value Chewy Protein Bars", specifically-Peanut, Almond & Dark Chocolate ones. They taste awesome, have 10g of protein each & are reasonably priced.

Smoked fish. Tastes great & is rich with protein.

If you want a quick hot meal, pack one or 2 of these: . They work awesome under 10,000 ft & fit into one of these: . 2nd smallest one. I like them so much, i have 3. You can heat a can of soup or a premade meal in 3 minutes. I have used mine atv-ing, hunting, camping, fishing & hiking when the kids were little. They are so small, they fit almost anywhere---JUST DON'T LEAVE THE FUEL CANISTER IN THE DIRECT SUN INSIDE THE VEHICLE IN THE SUMMER. I have never had an issue, but i am in Western NY State, where 95* is about the highest it gets in summer.


I think I got this idea from one of Christopher Noel's posts. Pretty sure it was on this forum anyway, but: tortilla with peanut butter and dates. Their so easy to make. I'll take them hiking, snowboarding, to work, you name it.


White Turtle Adventures & Photography
Thanks for the reminder of smoked fish, that is one that I forgot about, LOVE smoked salmon!!!

Thanks for the stove suggestion, I don't need a stove as I have a full kitchen with me, just don't have the time a lot of days to stop, cook and clean-up.

Went home last night and had peanut butter and banana for supper, made me VERY hungry reading that. I never take peanut butter with me so will have to start.


I make my own jerky which is great. I always enjoy fresh and home made as much as possible.

Having kids, I also keep a good amount of Kellogg "Fruity Snacks" on hand from Sam's Club. Low in fat and additives. I also keep milk with GNC powder (fat burner protein shake) if I have a cooler or my Edgestar fridge. Even an ice pack and lunch box would suffice well where you reside.. It's a great snack/meal replacement that gives you a feeling of being full, but not bloated, tired...etc.

On the peanut butter sandwich note: have you ever tried slicing strawberries and laying them inside the sandwich? It's a great, fresh jelly in a way.

My last suggestion is canned chicken. Keep a few utensils with you in the glove box (camping sets and army surplus sets work great. I have a set in my backpack for when I'm bouncing around a lot at work) and with a can of chicken and mayo packets you can make chicken salad on the fly. No gourmet meal by any means and eating out of the can could be primitive to some, but it's better than chips like you said. Also, it's a great excuse to carry and use a P38 can opener. :wings:

Hope this helps!


White Turtle Adventures & Photography
I would love to make my own jerky, I may have to give it a try some day. Then I would know exactly what is in it.

Thought of the strawberries as well but never tried them. Again the problem around here is getting good ones, but we should be seeing some soon so will keep that one as well.

Have done the can of chicken before with crackers, added a couple cans to the grocery list.

One of the canned chicken recipes that I have done before is:

1 pack of Ichiban / Romain noodles (toss the seasoning pack)

Put in a plastic dish with a couple cups of water and half a cup of dried vegetables, let sit for a couple hours at room temp. Open dish - break-up chicken and add the can of chicken and some salad dressing and eat.

Again thanks everyone the list is getting longer and my memory is coming back, keep them coming.

I make my own jerky which is great. I always enjoy fresh and home made as much as possible.

Having kids, I also keep a good amount of Kellogg "Fruity Snacks" on hand from Sam's Club. Low in fat and additives. I also keep milk with GNC powder (fat burner protein shake) if I have a cooler or my Edgestar fridge. Even an ice pack and lunch box would suffice well where you reside.. It's a great snack/meal replacement that gives you a feeling of being full, but not bloated, tired...etc.

On the peanut butter sandwich note: have you ever tried slicing strawberries and laying them inside the sandwich? It's a great, fresh jelly in a way.

My last suggestion is canned chicken. Keep a few utensils with you in the glove box (camping sets and army surplus sets work great. I have a set in my backpack for when I'm bouncing around a lot at work) and with a can of chicken and mayo packets you can make chicken salad on the fly. No gourmet meal by any means and eating out of the can could be primitive to some, but it's better than chips like you said. Also, it's a great excuse to carry and use a P38 can opener. :wings:

Hope this helps!


I would love to make my own jerky, I may have to give it a try some day. Then I would know exactly what is in it.

It's very easy. If you ever decide to get some equipment to do it, I'd be more than happy to tell you what I have and how I make it.


A small jar of peanut butter fits in a cup holder while you drive and makes a great dip for veggie sticks or crackers. You can even buy veggie party trays at supermarkets already cut up if you lack time or a knife!

Also hummus and pita bread. Same concept, very durable, low crumbs, and hummus comes in lots of flavor choices.


Fruits and nuts for me mostly. I sometimes will cut up a pineapple, marinate it in Malibu rum and drop it in a plastic re-seal container, kept in the cooler it makes a refreshing treat. Peanuts and smoked almonds are good too. I try to stay away from too many carbs or sugars.


Expedition Leader
Sounds like you want a hot meal/snack. I have a RoadPro 12-Volt Portable Stove. Throw a frozen burrito in and bam. You can basically put anything you want in it.

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