So I am going to be buying a Hilux soon!

My wife and I are getting ready to move to Paraguay in November and we are going to buy a Hilux shortly after we get there. I am thinking about buying an older one with a solid axle more so because I like that body style than anything. Does anyone on here have any experience with these trucks? What red flags should I look for when buying one other than the general stuff like leaks and rust? A friend of mine who lives there already has a 1992 model and I have driven it and I really liked it, other than the fact that it was so slow, but I guess you cannot really help that.



You will make it just in time to drive over the border and check out some of the Dakar!
I moved to Chile this last year. I also ended up having to buy new trucks.
We now have a Prado 120 and a Hilux. I use the Hilux for work mostly. My advice is to buy as new a Hilux as possible. Most of the older ones in South America are really beat to hell. Here in Chile to go back far enough to get a solid axle model puts you in a truck that is truly worn out. If your buddy has one from the 90s Im pretty certain it would be the same as here in Chile and be a torsion bar IFS front end. Id avoid that design. To go back far enough for a Solid axle you talking late 80s.
I ended up with a 2007 2.5 turbo diesel 4wd 4spd. Awesome truck. Still indestructible and very efficient.
You have to remember buying a 30 year old truck in SA is not the same as back in the US. The parts and support is not as good down here. Parts are expensive as well. So it might be easier with as new a Hilux as possible and not as old a Hilux as possible.. Just my opinion though. I just went through all this and looked at a zillion trucks before finding one that wasnt totally worn out.
Good luck. BTW the new engines from 2005 and newer are much much nicer than the older models. More power and better MPG.
Let us know what you get👍
Thanks for the heads up on the Dakar! I may try to venture over and catch part of it. As far as straight axles, I am certain that they made them into at least the mid 90's. My friend's truck I know is because I have seen it. I will try to upload a pic. I hear what you are saying about trying to get the newest that I can though. I am not sure how well they take care of their trucks and the roads in some places are horrible! They have a ton of cobblestone which keeps the road from washing away but is terrible for the vehicles that have to drive on them everyday.


Seems like some countrys had solid axle untill 1996.. Interesting he has that truck in Paraguay because those years came from Japan (built) and the trucks in Chile and Paraguay all came from Japan in those years. Chile doesnt seem to have the solid axle version in the 90s. I wonder if Paraguay got them and Chile didnt. Who knows. That truck could have been imported into Paraguay.
There is a lot of that down here. Trucks from all over the globe. Either way I think you should at least look at the 2005 and newer models. Even those are getting a little worn. Took me a while to find one worth spending the money on. The truck in that photo appears to be lifted. Maybe he will sell you that one if you have your heart set on a solid axle.
Personally I didn't want to forsake reliability of the driveline (30 years of crap roads) just to gain a solid axle.
Either way lots of interesting trucks to choose from down here.
So, it looks like we will not be buying a hilux. Unfortunately the cost to buy a hilux is higher than we are willing to pay. So, we are looking at a Mitsubishi L200. We can get a newer one in better condition for less money. Oh, we are here in Paraguay now by the way.

Does anyone have any experience with the L200? The years we are looking at are the early 2000's. Thanks in advance.
Of all things, we ended up buying a 1999 Ford Ranger. I will post a picture soon.20151127_181251.jpg
It has a turbo diesel. Does anyone know what kind of power mods are available for this engine? I am pretty sure it is a 2.5. This is my first diesel. Any advice? Also, I would like to run 31s if possible. Thanks.
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Reading some of the Aussie overland magazines, they have a bunch of articles on 4wd diesels including the Ranger. Check out Overland 4wd magazine for some warm weather expeditions.


Solid find with the diesel Ranger (I know, blasphemy from a Rover guy who also has had/currently has Toyotas too). The overseas Ranger is a different beast than the USDM truck, I think you'll be happy with it.


I've got an 05 Hilux SC with the 2.5l naturally aspirated diesel. I love it. It's slow as Christmas but I don't care. It has taken me everywhere I want to go and is quite cozy.
So far I am really liking this truck. I would like to add some bigger tires, maybe 31s if they will fit and maybe some better shocks. I know I am going to have to add some extra lights because it is dark here. We had streetlights where I used to live. Lol! I think I want some better backup lights too. Here is another picture.

20151130_164033.jpg2015-11-30 21.01.06.jpg
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