Solar Panel meets dual battery issues


As mentioned some solar panels run as low as 18v OC (open circuit). Look on the back of your solar panel and see what it is rated. I bet your controller is bad.



Tail-End Charlie
In the manual I found online:

(Which may or may not actually be the correct manual...but seems pretty close...)

Under the section "Troubleshooting", the last entry in the table says:

"Other phenomena

Check the wiring whether is tight or not, and the automatic identification of 12V/24V system is correct or not."

But it doesn't say how to check that.

Further down though, at the bottom of the next to the last page below the table that describes the voltages and whatnot, it does say:

"*Parameters may customized by customers."

So there must be a way to diddle the buttons and mess around with the programming to see if it's gotten stuck in 24v mode.

99% of all charge controllers I have seen, specify that the battery must be hooked up first. That way the charge controller can power up (it runs off battery power), then detect the battery voltage before having to deal with the solar.

I don't see anything about that in the manual I'm looking at, but I bet it's the same.

So one wild-assed guess would be: If you hooked the solar up to the charge controller first and then to the battery, maybe when it saw 18v from the solar it got fooled into 24v mode.


Tail-End Charlie
And (more guessing)... to protect the battery, you disconnect the charge controller from the battery - but don't disconnect the solar from the charge controller.

Which means when you reconnect the charge controller to the battery - you've still fooled it by having the solar connected to the charge controller before the battery is connected to the charge controller - so the first voltage the charge controller sees is 18v, not 12v.


Expedition Leader
That would sure fit the reported observations and assertions. Consider hard-setting the controller to 12V. Providing things are indeed wired correctly.


Tail-End Charlie
Yea...a properly designed unit shouldn't get fooled that way, but...well...

And having slept on it and looked at the manual doesn't appear to have bottons to diddle the programming (duh, didn't look closely enough yesterday).

So that line about the parameters being customized by customers might mean that if you order a container load from the factory in China, they'll program them however you want.
I can't speak to the specific controller in use here, but most manuals I've seen specifically state that you should never disconnect the controller from the battery(s) when the solar panel(s) are connected and producing power. Pat's controller may be fried as it seems from comments that it's been disconnected from the battery, multiple times, whilst panels were connected and producing power.

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