So I've got a pair of global solar 62W solar panels, a morningstar prostar 30 with the digital display, a 110 AH AGM battery and a truckfridge TF41. I'm on my back porch testing it all out, I plug everything in, turn on the TF41 and the morningstar is reading only 12.7 volts and using 1.1 amps of solar power. Does this sound right? both of those seem low, I thought the fridge would draw more IE around 2.8 amps (its going from 60deg to 20deg) and the float range should be low 13s? The morningstar is set to #2, sealed for AGM and the battery is presumably full as I just took it off the trickle charger. Like I said I'm on the back porch and the sun is just cresting the trees but I'm not seeing much if any shading going on.