Looking at doing some solar panels and have read some reviews of people putting small 7 -20 watt solar panels on their dash and showing .75 V drop difference from on the dash to in full sunlight.
Has anyone tested this with larger panels? Or can you?
I am debating on getting a flat foldable 100 watt panel and putting it inside my windshield while running my fridge. This would save me from taking up valuable roof space and i could use it from vehicle to vehicle and in populated areas with a little security. Once out in the boonies camping i could still use it in full sun.
I can almost always park facing a certain direction depending on time of day to get the most light possible given a setup like that.
The vehicle front winshield tinting if any can change the output.
I know it would be better to just mount a panel to the roof but i am looking for other possibilities and after searching the net for any real world tests i have come up with next to nothing.
Has anyone tested this with larger panels? Or can you?
I am debating on getting a flat foldable 100 watt panel and putting it inside my windshield while running my fridge. This would save me from taking up valuable roof space and i could use it from vehicle to vehicle and in populated areas with a little security. Once out in the boonies camping i could still use it in full sun.
I can almost always park facing a certain direction depending on time of day to get the most light possible given a setup like that.
The vehicle front winshield tinting if any can change the output.
I know it would be better to just mount a panel to the roof but i am looking for other possibilities and after searching the net for any real world tests i have come up with next to nothing.