Robert Bills
I have solar power on my "to do (eventually)" list for my trailer, and the PowerFilm unit is quite intriguing.
However, and I hate to start a debate that may need it's own thread, the cost-benefit analysis between solar and a small Honda or Yamaha dino-powered generator is keeping me stuck in the "planning" stage.
Sure, I know that solar is silent, renewable energy, but the initial cost of the panel and controller is about $250-300 dollars more than the used-but-not-abused Honda and Yamaha generators that I have found on CraigsList and other Internet sources. At $2.17/gal for regular (what I paid this morning), I could run more than 100 gallons through a small generator before the cost of generator plus fuel would equal the initial purchase price of a solar system.
My calculations of anticipated generator usage suggest that that I would use approximately 1 gallon of fuel per 2-day weekend (and likely less), with that use primarily if not entirely during daylight hours or other times that other nearby vehicles are already operating or the sound of the generator would not disturb others. Since my trailer typically gets out no more than one weekend each month (10 months of the year), plus about two weeks in the summer, it appears that I could operate a small generator for 4 years + before the acquisition and operating cost would equal the initial purchase price of a solar system.
I know one of the main arguments in favor of solar vs. a generator is the lack of noise. However, those of us on this board are typically engaged in "mechanized expeditions" where there is already vehicle noise. I am having a difficult time reconciling the argument in favor of "silent energy" with the reality that a small Honda generator, used responsibly, isn't going to add much if anything to the ambient noise of an offroading weekend. In fact, such a generator makes less noise than the vehicles we use to get offroad.
There are times that I need 110v and don't have access to "shore power." (Power outages, projects beyond the reach of extension cords, quickly charging other people's batteries (and some of my own) , etc.) It seems to me that the versatility of a generator is a plus.
Ease of Packing
The flat solar panels are bulky, and the configuration of my trailer is such that it is actually more of a problem to find space for a flat solar panel than a small generator. The folding panels are another story, but until the larger capacity folding solar panels have been long-term tested for durability, I will have to reserve judgment.
Those are just my thoughts. What are yours?
However, and I hate to start a debate that may need it's own thread, the cost-benefit analysis between solar and a small Honda or Yamaha dino-powered generator is keeping me stuck in the "planning" stage.
Sure, I know that solar is silent, renewable energy, but the initial cost of the panel and controller is about $250-300 dollars more than the used-but-not-abused Honda and Yamaha generators that I have found on CraigsList and other Internet sources. At $2.17/gal for regular (what I paid this morning), I could run more than 100 gallons through a small generator before the cost of generator plus fuel would equal the initial purchase price of a solar system.
My calculations of anticipated generator usage suggest that that I would use approximately 1 gallon of fuel per 2-day weekend (and likely less), with that use primarily if not entirely during daylight hours or other times that other nearby vehicles are already operating or the sound of the generator would not disturb others. Since my trailer typically gets out no more than one weekend each month (10 months of the year), plus about two weeks in the summer, it appears that I could operate a small generator for 4 years + before the acquisition and operating cost would equal the initial purchase price of a solar system.
I know one of the main arguments in favor of solar vs. a generator is the lack of noise. However, those of us on this board are typically engaged in "mechanized expeditions" where there is already vehicle noise. I am having a difficult time reconciling the argument in favor of "silent energy" with the reality that a small Honda generator, used responsibly, isn't going to add much if anything to the ambient noise of an offroading weekend. In fact, such a generator makes less noise than the vehicles we use to get offroad.
There are times that I need 110v and don't have access to "shore power." (Power outages, projects beyond the reach of extension cords, quickly charging other people's batteries (and some of my own) , etc.) It seems to me that the versatility of a generator is a plus.
Ease of Packing
The flat solar panels are bulky, and the configuration of my trailer is such that it is actually more of a problem to find space for a flat solar panel than a small generator. The folding panels are another story, but until the larger capacity folding solar panels have been long-term tested for durability, I will have to reserve judgment.
Those are just my thoughts. What are yours?