Expedition Leader
:sombrero: Mine is really simple, I pull a TENTRAX and my only Battery draw, is my ENGLE 35 and lights at night,Radio, now and then an air compressor for the tires or air mattress's
So my 60 watt solar panel (thru 7 amp controller) keeps EVERYTHING functioning during the day and automatically recharges the ONE battery I have in the TENTRAX and I NEVER use my JEEP Battery, so any battery loss won't effect my vehicle
:coffeedrink::smiley_drive::safari-rig::safari-rig: JIMBO
Going solar has one addt'l advantage for some; it's just fun. For some reason, I find powering off the sun's rays pleasing. I guess it harkens back to childhood fascination with the sun and electronics. Like Martyn said, it is really about having a plan--and that can be fun too.
I have 2 group 31 AGM's and a smart charger
for keeping batteries all juiced up and well conditioned --back up #1 is shore power. With the loads we use (LEDs for camp lighting, Engel, and swamp cooler) we have more than enough reserve -- back up #2. So I'm just playing around with keeping ahead of it with my 80-watt panel . And, with one exception early on, I always have. I had fun learning from that experience--tweaking my system and adjusting my routine. I like monitoring the amps generated and how that varies depending on ambient temp and altitude. Now it's like a sub-hobby within the whole camping experience. I love going out for a day of exploring and coming back to camp with two fully charged batteries ready to go each evening. If it's rainy or cloudy, I know I have the reserve to handle it until a sunny day. :victory:
So my 60 watt solar panel (thru 7 amp controller) keeps EVERYTHING functioning during the day and automatically recharges the ONE battery I have in the TENTRAX and I NEVER use my JEEP Battery, so any battery loss won't effect my vehicle
:coffeedrink::smiley_drive::safari-rig::safari-rig: JIMBO