California is not as simple as that flyer implies - that is just what is required for the smg check program - getting one registered is another matter. Here is a quick excerpt from Expedition-Import's website blog - they are in the SF bay area and import Unimogs, G-wagens and Pinzgauers...
CARB Changes the "Policy" Again.....
Posted by Scott Ingham on 10/4/2015 to General News
Lets start out with the basics. What you are reading here is simply my OPINION. It is not and should not be relied upon to make buying or selling decisions. I can say that I think I probably have a pretty deep understanding of the situation considering EI's history with DMV and CARB.
First and Foremost, EI is in business to make money selling Unimogs and Pinzgauers. If there is a LEGAL way to put these vehicles on the road in CA, we are all over it. That being said I cannot count the number of times that we are told by a new owner that they walked into DMV and were issued plates and tags on a vehicle that we told them could not be registered in the state. I have also repeatedly grinned when I get the call back that said Registration has been revoked after further review.
History: In 2003-2005 EI went head to head with CARB in regards to both the Steyr Puch Pinzgauers and the Mercedes Benz Unimogs. At that time the agreement with CARB was that Used Direct Import Vehicles 1974 and Older model year (Gas Units) were 100% exempt and could be titled and registered for road use in CA. I have a file sitting here 6" thick with legal briefs, legal bills, and the basis for the opinions that we have/had made. Fortunately, when CARB tried to shut us down, cooler heads prevailed at the Attorney Generals Office, and our legal opinions were accepted. That being said, with all of our research, AND HOW WE HAD BEEN OPERATING, we agreed that CARB had the right to regulate/require CA EPA Certification on 1975 and newer model year Pinzgauers. Over 100 vehicles went under the microscope and we were found to be compliant with the Pinzgauers. (We did have 1 x 1985 Turbo Diesel Pinzgauer that we agreed should not have been put on the road.) The Diesel Unimogs were a different story, and to this day we feel we have the legal standing that they should be allowed on the road under CA law, but eventually you reach a point where the costs to continue to fight (regardless of right or wrong) are too high. After the proceedings with CARB we stopped selling the Unimogs in CA. From 2005 on EI has not been selling newer Diesel Unimogs within the state of CA, and had only been selling 1974 and older Pinzgauers to state residents