Hi Neil61, There are tens of thousands of Fusos in North America, maybe hundreds of thousands. I see them every day as delivery trucks. I believe there will always be a supply chain of parts and service well past the predicted 7 year mark. The 3.0l Fiat motor is used in many different chassis globally. The axles and other drive line parts are not specialize using common parts. Daimler Corp. is not going away and neither is Mitsubishi trucks brand; they just make decisions based on millions units sold in a given market. Sure, maybe 10 years from now you will have to get a part shipped from Germany or some other country but so what. It is not a concern of mine or many other Fuso owners. I have owned a number of old cars a trucks that are well past manufacturer support and there has always be a way to get parts and service. There will be a cult following on these trucks forever and therefore support network. That is my experience and opinion but you have to make your own decisions.