(SOLD) 2021 Ford Bronco First Edition


Vehicles are rarely a good investment. So when they are, you have to take advantage of that.

Good luck with sale. Asked on market, seems on point to me!


Active member
It's starting to look like Facebook 'round here. Keep the nonsense out of Portal.

I agree with motovan, mods should start limiting the posts on classified ads to productive comments.


I hate price gouging and flippers who take advantage of people. However, this is not one of those cases. OP is pricing his vehicle at, or around market value. What do you want OP to do? Would any of you honestly list something for sale below market value? No, you wouldn't. Like... if you bought a house for $200k and all of a sudden Amazon announced they were opening a HQ near you and your house price tripled to $600k, are you selling me you wouldn't ask $600k for it?

So get your terms straight folks... this isn't price gouging this is a person listing their vehicle at MARKET PRICE.


Active member
The market of covid stupidity panic buyers has dwindled and we are about to see the reverse as panic buyer wives make husbands start getting rid of things they don't use. Upside for the seller though is this thread is keeping him up top!!


Active member
I think the mods need to revisit the rules section and add one for insane gouging of members and make it a bannable offense.

That would be cool, the mods determining what price you can ask for your rig. Maybe they can verify your vaccine card at the same time.

LOL Another vote for static classified ads. Buts it’s all about clicks so it ain’t going to happen. Good entertainment I guess.

beef tits

Well-known member
Honestly if I had a 2021 Bronco that I could double my money one, I would too. I'll still berate these sellers for posting them here, however. BaT is the place to make that kind of sale, not here.

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