Truck and Camper are both sold!
This truck is in excellent condition and has no issues; everything works as it should.
The truck only has 25k miles on it!
- 5 New BFG All Terrain T/A K02 DT LT265/75 R16 (50,000-mile warranty)
- Engine Type: Gas V10
- Displacement: 6.8L/415 cu. In.
- Fuel Capacity: 29.0 / 38.0 gal
- Fuel type: Regular Unleaded 87+
- Towing Capacity: 10,000pounds
- Base Curb Weight: 5256
- GVWR: 8800 lb
- GCWR: 16,500 lbs
This truck is in excellent condition and has no issues; everything works as it should.
The truck only has 25k miles on it!
- 5 New BFG All Terrain T/A K02 DT LT265/75 R16 (50,000-mile warranty)
- Engine Type: Gas V10
- Displacement: 6.8L/415 cu. In.
- Fuel Capacity: 29.0 / 38.0 gal
- Fuel type: Regular Unleaded 87+
- Towing Capacity: 10,000pounds
- Base Curb Weight: 5256
- GVWR: 8800 lb
- GCWR: 16,500 lbs
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