Auction ended. Price dropped. And listed for sale on eBay >>
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Would you please share pictures of the inside of the canopy? Thanks!
Good morning, a quick point, as someone who has read the thread multiple times and was actually planning on talking to my credit union about financing the truck this afternoon, I had no idea that the drawers weren't included. Having the phrase "fully kitted" And "NOTE: This truck is being sold as a complete kit. No parts/accessories will be sold individually." And having pics of it with drawers in the bed (though now I notice they are not in the list) is incredibly confusing. Could you post some pictures of how the truck is sitting currently and will be sold so their is less confusion?
It'd be kinda sad if the drawers were a deal breaker.. This thing is so well outfitted, I can't believe msoverland lowered the price this low.. Good luck with the sale msoverland! I've sent this thread to a friend of mine, who is looking for a built tacoma.
If only it wasn't a stick... I live in Los Angeles, manual gets old real fast in bumper to bumper traffic for hours.