Sold my truck!! Now what??

Colorado Ron

Thanks for all the replies! I have decide to take on the Budget Buildup challenge!!Heres the qualifications:

-Must be 4x4
-Must be capable of self recovery
-Must be able to go 350 miles to a fillup
-Must be able to sleep in it comfortably
-and should be easy to work on!

Has to meet all the above qualifications plus has to have at least one locker. Has to be bought and built for no more than $5000. It should be designed to drive the most challenging terrain available in the world, do so in some comfort and safety, provide a sleeping/camping facility, and operate with minimal environmental impact(No 454 gas sucking rigs). Something reasonable. You can buy, sell, trade whatever you need to do. Safety equipment does not count towards price. As long as it doesnt get crazy. For instance, a roll cage is safety, a full blown exo-cage with built in equipment and mounts isnt saftey. And most of that should be counted. Should be something that parts can be found easily. You have to be able to recover yourself. Your spare parts wont count either. Everyone needs those. But if you rearend is about to explode, you cant carry a Currie 9inch in the back just in case!

So there you have it! Its on! This should be fun!


Toyota or Jeep

Couple questions:

How capable do you want the vehicle to be? Solid axle or IFS? What type of upgrades are you planning on besides winch and rear locker? Most challenging terrain in the world?

For this I would suggest either an early Toyota solid axle pickup or 4runner, whichever you can find a good deal on. Jeep XJ would be my next choice solely because you can pick up newer ones CHEAP and upgrades are cheap and plentiful

83-85 Toyota pickup or 84-85 4runner -

Pros: bulletproof motors, Toyota reliability, strong frames, solid front axle, strong rear axle, plenty of storage space, spare parts are a dime a dozen around the globe. Strong aftermarket support around the world. Upgrades are fairly reasonable. Excellent wheelbase. Easy to work on. Cheap to buy, well maybe except for an 85 4runner. Fit 33-35s with very little lift. oh yeah and Toyota reliability.

Cons: rusty beds, engine power is lacking for long distance travels, comfort may not be the greatest (install bucket seats from a celica, sr5 4runner, etc and its a HUGE improvement)

Jeep XJ -
Pros: Storage space, 4.0 motor has plenty of torque and hp, solid front axle, aftermarket support is good, upgrades are fairly reasonably cheap, coil sprung front live axle, completely enclosed vehicle, you can pickup newer XJs for very very reasonable prices, wheelbase is good.

Cons: reliability? could be argued of course, unibody, aftermarket and spare parts around the world not easily found. dana 30 is weak even if upgraded. Requires a good amount of lift just to fit 33s.


2005 Expedition Trophy Champion
I still say an old FJ60 with extra fuel tank(s)/can(s). Best case an old BJ60 (may exceed $5k) due to rarity.

Second to that would be an older 22R(E) Toyota MiniTruck. What would be REALLY trick (but may exceed the $5k req) is putting a Toyota 2L diesel into the mini (the 2Ls used to come in 2wd Toy commercial pickups). This has been done. The 2Ls are slow, small, torqy and sips fuel like it's a martini.

Either of those (minus the desireable diesel options) how could you beat?


Expedition Leader
5K!!! hell I bought my taco for $3500 cash and still there is no way I could get it done for 5K! good luck it sounds like a junk yard dog projest to me.or a early 90's cherokee you could pick up for 1500 and doi a little TLC to

Colorado Ron

Well those would be my first choice too. Catch is, I want to take my family as well. So I need somthing with more room(5 kids). Ive got the vehicle picked out. And have got most of the parts either found or bought. So Ill have to surprise you guys on what I come up with!

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