Sold! Ultimate, Adventure Ready Vehicle Platform - SAS'd 2001 GMC 2500HD


Anything the new owner would need to do out of the gate? Doesn't seem like it but wanted to check.

It's awesome btw - well done on the build!

The truck doesn't need anything. Windshield cracked this weekend but I'll get a new one put in before it leaves my possession.


This truck looks great. Can you tell me the clearance? You mention putting a ute bed on and that you have parts for the suspension upgrade for this. My plan is to put a flat bed with a flat bed camper. Thoughts?


New member
This maybe a dumb question: should someone (and that somrone is me:) who does not had your level of mechanical skill should be looking at this truck. Assume I am in South America with a camper on this truck and something in the custom mofigications (e.g. welding) is broke - could I find or tell a mechanic how to fix it given that it is such a special (indeed impressive) vehicle ?


This truck looks great. Can you tell me the clearance? You mention putting a ute bed on and that you have parts for the suspension upgrade for this. My plan is to put a flat bed with a flat bed camper. Thoughts?

What clearance measurement would you like? I assume you are talking about putting a cab over type camper on a flat bed? If that was the case the 4 link suspension I had planned for the truck may be a bit over kill. I would pick out a flat bed that you like, leave the rear leaf spring suspension and add air bags for the additional weight of the camper and gear. GM used a long leaf spring on these trucks that flexes very well and I don't see the need for a 4 link suspension with a camper, you won't be getting into situations where you would need a 4 link with a camper on the back. If this is the route you plan to go give me a call and I'd be happy to assist with getting the truck set up this way.

This maybe a dumb question: should someone (and that somrone is me:) who does not had your level of mechanical skill should be looking at this truck. Assume I am in South America with a camper on this truck and something in the custom mofigications (e.g. welding) is broke - could I find or tell a mechanic how to fix it given that it is such a special (indeed impressive) vehicle ?

Good question! If for some reason there was an issue I would assume that any decent fabricator could make a part to repair the damage, if you look at the pictures of the CAD design you will notice that almost all of the pieces are flat, or flat with simple bends that could easily be replaced. All of the wear items are common parts in the states that many distributors carry and are easily obtained, in South America the parts may not be as common but they certainly are not "custom machined" parts that could not be obtained. Worst case contact me and I would be happy to assist in making new parts that are needed. The company that I had cut out and bend all the parts is local to me and have sold 3 more of these kits that I know of so getting anything you would need is just an email away.
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Thanks for the feedback on the rear suspension; that's what I was thinking. As for clearance, I am looking for clearance underneath to the diff's. The other question was a good one as well and appreciate the feedback.


New member
Since I am not familiar with Single Axle want to ask another question: Is it making driving on pavment or graded dirt roads harder ? What are the reasons to SAS and what is lodt by doing so ?


Thanks for the feedback on the rear suspension; that's what I was thinking. As for clearance, I am looking for clearance underneath to the diff's. The other question was a good one as well and appreciate the feedback.

Clearance under the diff is 12" in the front and about 11" in the rear.


Also had a few questions about leaks on the engine, as you can see it is pretty clean under there, no leaks anywhere.



Since I am not familiar with Single Axle want to ask another question: Is it making driving on pavment or graded dirt roads harder ? What are the reasons to SAS and what is lodt by doing so ?

There are several advantages to a solid axle vs. and independent suspension. If done correctly the ride quality can improve, the strength of a solid axle is significantly greater with a solid axle and there are substantially less moving parts to fail.


Beach Bum
How the hell is this rig still for sale? Someone needs to step up and buy this truck and then get out and enjoy it and report back here with pics and AAR's of their adventures. GLWS OP, she's a beaut!!!

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