I went to my churchs car show today and look what showed up.
Isn't this an FJ-45?

Isn't this an FJ-45?
Looks like a right hand drive, so I'd guess a custom job out of either South Africa or Australia. They did a lot of one off jobs where they mated a second cab to make 4 door model.
I don't know how long (or if) they produced 4 door FJ45 wagons for those countries. It does kind of look like a chopped 45 wagon, but I'd lean towards a 2nd cab mated to an FJ45 chassis cab.
Neat rig, for sure!
That looks like a Dutch licence plate! Only the exhaust would be on the wrong side?
Very nice car...
Dutch indeed, but the exhaust is always on the right side.......
Strange, our Dutch BJ45 has the exhaust on the left side, and it is an original exhaust.
The engine dictates which side it starts but all landcruisers seem to exit on the left hand side.
When it starts on the rightside it changes to the left near the t/case