The short quick answer is get a big tractor for this situation. After the tractor arrives the danger starts.
The long answer is get to a certified 4X4 driving class. I do not say this in jest, but a I4WDTA educator is worth more then all of the equipment you can buy. Buying equipment should be second and not first. For this situation you are a little late. You can buy enough equipment and overload your vehicle that your vehicle can not be able to move out of the driveway. That will cause more problems then the equipment will be able to help you get out of.
Once you have equipment, then knowing how to use it properly in the next big step. Using it wrong can make things worse or even worse when a person is hurt or killed.
So dose any of this help for this situation NO! So why the lecture if you want to consider it that way and who am I to say this? So I have 45 years experience of 4-wheeling, I have 25 years as a 4X4 educator, I am a I4WDTA educator (and one of the founders of the I4WDTA) and owner of Western Adventures 4X4 Driving School (now retired).
I could answer my thoughts of this vehicle recovery and what I would do, but you have got some already. There are additional considerations that I would need to be at the site to look at before giving a refined set of instructions. I also will not type out a 8 hour class of recovery instructions.
When you get the vehicle out check for a I4WDTA instructor/educator in your area for instruction. This will be a better investment then any product you will buy! Then buy what you really need and not just stuff to make your vehicle look cool!