Source for lifting roof actuators?


As others have said, avoid electric actuators if you need them to be in sync with each other. I'm using them somewhat successfully in combination with these:

Screen Shot 2020-12-15 at 12.30.23 PM.png

My build thread (see sig) has the details. Basically though, I have these on the front and back of the camper. The electronic actuators are attached only at the top and when they get out of sync, these lifters keep things square side-to-side and one actuator per end can do all the work. Front to back sync is manual via separate switches and eyeballs. The other thing I like is that there is redundancy if an actuator fails; my slide-up will raise with only two of four actuators functional (one front and one back).

I think using these on all four sides would result in a slide-up that would have to go up and down straight even if only one of four actuators was doing all the work (given everything was rigid enough and each actuator was powerful enough to lift the load on it's own). Haven't seen anyone do this (though I'm sure some Ausie has) so it's just a concept to think about.

Best of luck!


Active member
Breha Canopy Lift



look at 3d printing/CNC components for acme/lead screws - places like ebay usually list a whole range. Robotics companies are a good source of 12v motors and gearboxes. I paid about euro65 each for my motors and euro30 for each 1m 24mm lead screw to make my camper jacks which is probably a lot bigger and heavier than you will need just to lift a roof, and the robotics guys gave me a wiring diagram to fit limit switches that just used cheap microswitches and relays. Of course if you want synchronised stepper motors that is more difficult but i kept my jacks individual to allow me to balance the camper then lift in stages front then back.

could you get away with 2 motors and toothed belt drives to lead screws in the corners, one set at the front, one at the back? might make raising them level easier

I'm very intrigued. Could you share some more details?


Active member
Robot, 3d printer, cnc hobbie, read up on building 3d printers to see how belt and screw desings work, if you take it farther you have stepper motors and control boards

Places that sell Linear-Bearings will often have parts like your looking for

some here

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Did some posts get silently deleted from this thread?

My Android notify had a mention of leftover "lead screws"


Active member
I'm very intrigued. Could you share some more details?
leas screws are widely available - the risk is buckling if you have a very long thin screw, so i would probably go with 12mm

motors - i'm using 4 of these to lift my camper jacks - a roof should be a lot less weight so smaller/faster motors would probably be more suitable

Pulleys - have one motor drive 2 screws



Active member
In my case "roof rack" may be loaded with 800lbs

Do you think those screws would be suitable?

What motor?
i don't know. I spoke with an industrial lead screw supplier in the UK about requirements and he recommended 24mm screws and solid steel nuts, but they could also supply bronze and ball nuts that were capable of much more load. Their engineer was able to give me a buckling load on a length of screw that was over what i needed, and also the likely torque needed to turn the screw under that load.

i would think you should be able to find someone who can deliver to your market to provide the same advice

i did my jacks in stages and set them up manually first and measured how much torque was needed to turn them, checked it was consistent with what the screw engineer had predicted, then went shopping for motors to suit. And then drive mechanisms - i used chains and cogs rather than belts as i could use smaller diameter fittings and i was space constrained, but toothed belts were definitely capable - again, find a decent supplier who knows about their product rather than a national chain. I like to help to keep the specialist little guys in business and usually they are no more expensive....

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