South America charitable organizations


New member
I am heading to South America in October ( i.e. soon) and am looking for a charity/organization to support along the way ( raise money for their local cause). I am looking for an organization that, ideally, has a presence in multiple South American Countries. Using Charity Navigator and a few other sources, here is what I have come up with so far, but I'm sure there are others out there:

ACCION (most SA countries)- helping people help themselves--micro loans to small enterepreneurs ( like $100 loans; overall 97% payback rate; interest collected on loans pay for overhead to make the next loan...)

Special Olympics (many SA countries)- help people with intellectual disabilities develop self-confidence and a sense of personal accomplishment.

Doctors without borders (3 SA countries) committed to bringing quality medical care to people caught in crisis regardless of race, religion, or political affiliation.

I know little about these organizations other than what is available on their websites. If anyone out there knows about them OR any other worthy charitable organization that operates in Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Venzuela, Brazil, I would appreciate any and all feedback.

Best regards,


Try Water for People.

WFP has a growing number of projects in South America - you should check them out. I am involved in their local chapter in Vancouver (we raise money for them).

The good thing about this group is that they give very little in terms of actual work done on the ground - clean water supply projects are built by the community, and the community has to do a lot to make it happen.

This is different from a lot of other aid organizations; they don't go and build a project, give all the money, manpower, and resources to get it up and running, then leave so that in a year or two the system is broken and no one cares or knows how to maintain it practically and financially.


New member
SA charitable organizations

RobinP said:
Try Water for People.

WFP has a growing number of projects in South America - you should check them out. I am involved in their local chapter in Vancouver (we raise money for them).

The good thing about this group is that they give very little in terms of actual work done on the ground - clean water supply projects are built by the community, and the community has to do a lot to make it happen.

This is different from a lot of other aid organizations; they don't go and build a project, give all the money, manpower, and resources to get it up and running, then leave so that in a year or two the system is broken and no one cares or knows how to maintain it practically and financially.

Robin, thank you for the referral. I like WPA's focus on the long term sustainability of the projects--it's a great (and logical) way to allocate scarce resources. Each time I look into a new organization (particularly ones that are recommended), I learn something valuable. Thank you!


Expedition Leader

The only programs we've ever seen anywhere in the world that are effective and sustainable utilize the type of approach that WFP is using.

Click here for some examples:

We just worked with one NGO related to the story in the link. That's a worthwhile group, but limited to one country.

We're headed out to the coast to work with a different one next week. I'll be able to give you some input on them in a couple of weeks. They are operating in Ecuador and Peru.

PM me and I will tell you about one of the three you are considering.

Hope we can cross paths down here.



New member
SA charitable organizations

Doug, thank you for the info. I'm definitely interested in learning more--keep me posted on your coastal findings. I'll PM you just now.

I hope we can cross paths, too. If you take your time heading north, it's likely we can rendezvous somewhere.

Best regards,

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