Southeast Expo riders wanna ride this weekend?


Ive finally completed a big service and upgrade to my KTM. I rode 400 last Saturday and I wanna get out and ride and camp Saturday night this weekend. Any southeast expo riders wanna meet up and ride. NC, TN, AL, GA SC. Id be willing to take on some new roads and camp in the Mtns.

Let me know. Riding style is spirited. Dirt and paved twisty roads good. Show me the good places in your area!!

Cheers Daniel :roost:


Expedition Leader
I'm in SC. I've got plans for Friday night and Saturday morning (gotta couple of things to do at the hunt club) but could get to NC by noon or early afternoon and don't have to be back any time on Sunday. I'm more of a lazy rider than a spirited rider and the DRZ has new shoes that need to be scrubbed in before I ride it hard (been riding knobbies but put some Kendas on it to try out).


Sorry I didn't get back and respond my weekend feel apart. I only got in one day of riding on Sunday. And that was harder than expected.
I walked out my front door to go ride at 630am and my neighbors cat was in the driveway, it freaked out ran in the street got nailed by a car and died right in front of me. I was like WTH cat. So I cleaned up cat. A bad omen IMO before a long ride. Anyways it was a rough weekend.

Next time though. Gonna be out riding a lot.


Expedition Leader
Just got back from the Brevard area; stayed in the Davidson River campground. Rode from there up to Mt Mitchell one day and then spent two days riding some of the Forestry Service roads in the area. The new tires did great on the road; the front kinda sucked on loose gravel but did OK on hard pack. The Seat Concepts seat was much better than my Corbin and made it possible to spend a lot more time in the saddle. Temperatures couldn't have been better.


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