Have you considerd printing the parts full size and then buiding it from door skin and hot glue to test fit.
Yes. In fact Jen suggested the same thing a few days ago. The challenge with a mockup, is that most of the parts are to freaking heavy to attach (control arms, 25lbs, diff 95lbs, etc). So I am not sure how much value I could get from one. Second, to fit it to the van, I would have to drop the subframe, brake lines, suspension etc. Which isn't that big a deal (I need to do the work anyways). But I would need to fab something to hold the engine for the weeks it would take me to assemble the final subframe. Plus I am renting, and I don't want to push my luck with the van up on jackstands for a month.
I am still considering it, as I have found a second mistake I made early on (first one was the mount bolt hole offset). This time I miscounted the number of teeth on the sprinters tone rings. I must have counted at least a 6 times on different days! But I still got it wrong. I thought it was 44. Its 54... The GM tone rings are 55. I suspect all that work I did on the FWB won't be needed...
In other news the trans is back in and hooked up.
Remaining trans items:
Dipstick tube (tacked, but needs final welded)
Vent tubes. I added the Jeep style barbed vent fitting, so I will run a vent tube up to the firewall. Same for the Tcase.
Shifter for Tcase: I looked at the positioning, and the shift lever is just behind the driver, so the linkage is going to be very short for a through-floor type. I may go for a cable shifter, and loop forward then back.
Tcase position switch: I need to wire up a harness. Most jeep plugs only have 2 terminals populated, and I don't know which ones do what yet.
Driveshaft, rear: Still hunting for one. None of the local driveshaft shops will return my calls or emails. I suspect its because they can't balance shafts 75" Long
Trans support member: Need to drill 4 access holes for the end nuts. Then paint. I also need to fix some %*^# welds once I get a replacement welder.