Sprinter 4x4 in USA: White Feather Conversions


Have you seen the Chinook Baja?

Make perfect sense to me - just said it!

I haven't seen one up close but they're cool looking rigs. I'm assumming they're the same size as mine. Something as big/wide as mine (21ft) it just seems kinda large/heavy and not worth the cost involved for a conversion for me. I'm certainly no expert on four wheeling so it's just my observation. I met a guy in Alaska once who had an Earthroamer and he stated he felt his was too big/heavy for any real four wheeling. He stated the four wheel option was nice in snow and soft sand when needed but didn't push his luck doing any real four wheeling. Stated he'd buried it up to the axle once off roading and it cost him almost a grand to get it back to hard ground. Looking at those huge Uni-Mogs and such I've always wondered just how much four wheeling most of them actually do. I would think the massive size alone would keep them out of most places. I understand that it's not so much the rig but the skill/knowledge/decisions of the driver involved. Regardless of the skill level, size will eventually play a part. I guess it boils down to my a** is getting to old to be digging a small motorhome out of a bog hole. Like I always say when discussing rigs........there is no perfect set up. Each has their pro's and con's.


Park....I guess that's why opinions are out there! The beast will have a 6"lift larger tires 35" so that addresses your height issue. The suspension drive lines gears as well as lockers will round out the rest.
As far as weight goes the shinooks are notoriously light rigs.
Weight distribution something I doubt you thought about is excellent .
The frame goes all the way to back, very important. The one piece no seam no slider configuration makes it ideal.
As for heist lol there are cab over campers as tall or taller.
I guess you need to "want" first of all. But you have to have reasons also or you just have a novelty.
White feather owner used to work for company that built the chinook Baja 4x4 package.
Do yourself a favor as you will enjoy watching these things go through paces and watch some videos.
Before doing anything I do my research. After talking to several people I chosen the chinook specifically for this project.
I'm not a bang the crap out of it rock crawler. I have a well built JKU for the wild stuff. But I want to go where I want to go.
What do you think about Earthroamers those tall heavyweights seem to do just fine.
In this case you get what you pay for and after much research I'm thinking I'm going to be really happy !


Just read the rest of your post on Earthroamers and unimogs lol. Like I said see videos . And I suppose maybe since you have not done " much four wheeling " look into it . You might find a lot more adventure.
The idea for me is to get far enough off grid to enjoy life. See things you can't see from highway or a 3 mile forest service road.
Plus the excitement of getting there.
Not dogging on you bro just trying to explain why some do... And some think of reasons they can't .

Live well all


Never said I haven't done much four wheeling. Only said I didn't consider myself an expert. I can assure you I've done plenty of four-wheeling and have found plenty of adventure away from "the highway and that 3 mile forest road" you referred too. I wasn't bad mouthing your rig or questioning your decision to do whatever you want to it. I was simply making a personal observation since I also own a Chinook. I have also talked with another Chinook owner who had the conversion done and regretted it as he's had alot of problems with it. Not going to bad mouth any business on this forum and will not say who performed the conversion. Oh never mind......hope you enjoy your rig.


Wow your frustrated. Very sorry. I can guarantee white feather did not do " the other chinook owners. As he was excited to start planning mine and commented he had not done one in ages. But to him these make the greatest off road homes because of there. Builds.
As I said before, some folks just ..........well they don't have vision. I just don't understand someone who knows nothing about a certain type of rig making silly assumptions .
Based on ignorance of the vehicles in question.
That's why I study everything I can before a build find the pros and cons. Talk to people with more hard facts then I have, and more real life expeariance said then I .
I think you could benefit from doing that before putting your unfounded uneducated .02 into a discussion.
Now for the record I'm not saying your uneducated . And I am not angry in the least. But why not ask questions instead of stating assumptions based on nothing .

Just an idea for you. Besides no one is to old to learn new tricks which might help you get a larger vehicle free from a sticky situation without spending a " butt load of money " lol.
Your welcome to come along for an adventure in this soon to be four wheel beauty. And if you don't kayak we will get you headed in the right direction with that also.

May god make smooth the paths you travel

Texas Aggie

I've got no dog in this hunt, but anybody who has read Park's blog knows he's done a fair amount of 4-wheeling. And he does own a Chinook, so I wouldn't say he knows nothing about larger rigs or has made silly assumptions. My take was that he was simply offering his insight as someone with a similar rig and 4-wheeling experience in another type of rig. That being said, I hope your build lives up to your expectations and you enjoy 4-wheeling in it.
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Thank you I appreciate that. Didn't question his 4wheeling or the fact he has a chinook. Merely that he was making assumptions on a build he knows let's say little about. White feather puts out gear that will do what you ask them to make it do. It's a long process . Lots of questions from both ends. As noted this rig is not meant to be a crawler. But merely a means to get me where I want to go. I am fully confident in there ability to make this happen.
Next the chinook is a prime candidate for this type of build as it has no seams or slides. It is light and agile. And with the right suspension gearing and and and ...it will be a rig capable to travel almost anywhere. As for his comment on the Earth roamed , I know three people with these all three swear by them. I have seen them in action. Possibly the gentleman he talked to had a big case of buyers remorse. Because those rigs can get to unbelievable places.
I won't spend that kind of money on a rig. But I have driven a Baja for a two week trip and it did everything I wanted it to do. See this is called research. That's all I was saying.
I don't pretend to know everything . But when I decide I want to do a build I sure as heck will research the heck out of it :).
And when I get on a thread that looks interesting I ask lots of questions to understand what the purpose is and how the person is going to use it.
I don't jump in and pretend to know why it won't work. Or that it seems silly to try it.
Knowledge is power ! Just throwing you know what around in unbiased opinion form is you know what.

Again thank you , I am quite sure it will do all I want and more.
And your a great friend to step in. But I have no animosity toward anyone. Life's way to short. Merely think you should know a bit about things you are making assumptions on.


Last note on this subject. The phrase " maybe it's just cool to have 4wheel drive on anything your driving " is fairly degrading. Besides the clearance ...I think anyone would at least assume a 28k conversion to 4wd would include a lift and taller tires.

Ahhh debates can be fun if no one is upset. And I just reread and this one was fun because no one was offended or upset.

To you all I end this wonderful thread, at least in my part with this to all.

May God make smooth the paths you follow .
Oh by the way. I'm not up late I'm enjoying Spain right now.




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