Sooper Camper
Right on. You ever get the rear camber sorted out? Looks like there's quite a bit of it.
I got the SuperPro offset bushing's last week, but had a "addition to the family" since then so haven't had a chance to install them. Hopefully in the next week or two. I'll post up what the results are.Right on. You ever get the rear camber sorted out? Looks like there's quite a bit of it.
Yes, the centerline clearance is very impressive!that looks great, the rear clearance is really impressive compared to the Tundra behind it.
The rear camber has settled to about +1* after driving it a bit. Still not ideal, but to as bad as it was. There is enough tread on the ground that its not really affecting traction at all. Still, once I get those eccentric bushings in I think it'll all be in spec again. Fingers crossed next week!I'm really curious how the rear camber affects lateral bite in the rear,
I didn't dry cycle it, no. But if I remember when I pull everything apart to put the bushing in, that would be a good measurement.and how much dynamic change there is in the rear through the travel. I don't suppose you dry cycled it sans coil while you were doing the lift?
Any updates on the rear camber?
Life's been pretty hectic of late, so no joy on getting it into the shop to install the bushings. I did take some measurements, though. Contrary to what I was understanding from the Patrol guys, I actually think that the SPF4131K offset bushings go here:…because I’m running into the same issue with my install this weekBTW, where did you order the Superpro bush kit from?
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I ran into the same issue… The SuperPros will not fit the Coil Spring Arm as the Diameter is different. The Patrol Arms are spec’d different from the US version. Thanks Only Two options exist:Life's been pretty hectic of late, so no joy on getting it into the shop to install the bushings. I did take some measurements, though. Contrary to what I was understanding from the Patrol guys, I actually think that the SPF4131K offset bushings go here:
Rather than the inside of the spring bucket. The inside bushing on the spring bucket is 35mm, the SuperPro bushings are 45mm, and the camber adjustment bushing on the rear LCA is ~45mm (as far as I can tell without taking it apart). So even though the SPF4131K are listed for the "toe arm" and the documentation that I've read lists the adjustment bolt on the spring bucket for toe adjustment, these bushings will not fit in that location.
I bought them from SparesBox in Australia. Took a couple weeks to get to the States.
SuperPro Rear Toe Control Arm Inner Bush Kit Double Offset Fits Nissan
I ran into the same issue… The SuperPros will not fit the Coil Spring Arm as the Diameter is different. The Patrol Arms are spec’d different from the US version. Thanks Only Two options exist:
#1 cut off end of the oem arm and weld on a new reinforced section and bung for the bushing to fit into
#2 buy (2) new arms from overseas and have them shipped over. I chose the latter, and they should be here in about 2weeks. I found a manufacturer that made them the same size as the US but the inner bushing area is sized to fit the SuperPro found in Patrols.
I've made a few updates in the past month. First I got a Front Runner Slimline II rack and 23Zero box:
Even though the interior space of the Armada rivals that of most large warehouses, it is nice to be able to put some stuff up top now.
Next, I got my DASH Predator bar and Warn VR EVO 12-S and was able to get it installed this weekend: