Curious as to solutions others have found for hauling things like.
wet dogs
ice chests
Muddy shoes
Basically large, bulky, wet, dirty items you’d prefer not to have in your camper or truck cab.
wet dogs, mine just jump in the truck..... and shake lol.
firewood, I NEVER carry it. Living in a forest where logging is the primary industry.... I know moving firewood between watersheds transport insects and disease..... so I source my firewood locally.... daily and after the intense forest fire years lately I don't even bother lighting a fire... EVER.
Ice Chests.... I now do the refrigerator and it has a dedicated, hard wired spot.
Muddy shoes..... I wear them and they are semi clean before I get in the cab or camper..... waders should always be clean, just wet, like the dog.
Not in the cab???? Really... I'd just stay home.
A weekly vacuum car wash laundry resolves all the issues.
My plan is to avoid any set up, cleaning, packing, I just want to park and go in the morning. No ladders, cargo boxes, keep it all easily accessible.
I camp to leave my anal retentive urges behind.