I had several of the cordless tools and started to look at the Packout for more tool organization in the house and shed first. I don't have a garage so most of my tools are packed to be moved to where I need them and it just works for that.
I have the Packout brand mounts in the Shed, but with the metal cleat mounts I will definitely be adding these to my bed slide soon so I can easily click in whichever boxes I need.
The rabbit hole is that you can find places to buy the cleats and locking mechanism and mount them to whatever you want. You just need enough flat area to mount the cleats to the bottom.
We never take the same vehicle on trips, so I like organized portability with thoughtless mounting. No straps, just click it in and nothing is loose or moving. If you pack the box right, it won't rattle either. My wife even likes them.